what do you think is the point at which single men should settle and get married to a woman who is into them?

  1. Generally most people would say mid 30s but why put an age or specific point to it? If it happens to align then I say go for it.

  2. i would never settle for a woman just because shes into me.

    unless she ticks all the must have boxes on my list she can be the queen of england and ill continue to be single.

  3. That’s a decision they’re going to have to make on their own. There aren’t any guide lines.

  4. If you know, you know you are ready to marry this person. If you don’t experience that feeling of “just knowing” then it’s probably not a good idea to get married.

  5. That is not, has never been and will never be an option for any man with even the lowest level of self-respect.

  6. This question is an oxymoron, since a single man can never marry, because by then he wouldn’t be single anymore.

  7. Probably never. Marriage is a raw deal for men these days. What does being married do for her anyways?

  8. I heard when you settle, you end up settling twice. Once at the wedding and again at the divorce.

  9. Most men don’t even have the option for settling. They genuinely just take whatever they can get, but will lie about it to protect their ego.

  10. A man has no good reason to just settle for a woman he’s not madly in love with. You will probably not last forever anyway and you’ll lose too much in the process. You should hold out as long as you possibly can. If you get pressure from a woman to put a ring on her finger, run. They need it way more than you do. Have you ever even heard of a man complaining that she won’t commit? No. It’s not a thing. And that’s for good reason.

  11. Legal Marriage is a shame, in what religion does it say “you must sign a contract with the government, follow their rules, and be bound together unless you give half your shit to her and pay the government and lawyers 10s of thousands of dollars” as a man in 2022 we gain nothing from being legally married, it’s just more liability and more money to the government…

    Marriage was originally meant to be a commitment under god not the government

  12. Seriously point blank. My wife picked me out of thousands of potential mates. At the time i was pursuing someone else. The other relationship didn’t work out. Mostly because my wife saw something in me that made her want to stay close to me. I really think that is all most men want. Just to simply be desired and wanted as partners.

    Has it always been smooth sailing? no, But we have a good understanding and a desire to please eachother.

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