Women of Reddit what do you hate about your job?

  1. just the fact that most of my coworkers are introverted and dont talk to each other much so its hard to make friends.

  2. So much of it is tedious and inefficient and I feel like there are more better ways of doing it but all the senior people are too old to get what technology can do nowadays! Plus it’s still a bit of a formal office environment which isn’t great.

  3. We get people who come in, get an entire organ changed with a dead strangers, but refuse to get a vaccine because they “don’t know what’s in it.” Mind blowing.

  4. I overwork for minimum wage and that minimum wage gets eaten up by insane amounts of taxes and still can’t afford to live alone in a studio apartment in a city that isn’t even popular or cool (basically a hick town).

  5. I deal with vomit on a semi regular basis and it always makes me gag. Nobody else gags. I haven’t thrown up yet but it’s still embarrassing. My coworkers always offer a half hearted are you OK, because they don’t want to have to clean up my vomit in addition to the patient’s. Believe me, I get it.

  6. My main complaint about my job is that I have to sit at my desk staring at a screen at boring code for hours. Although, my job is extremely flexible, I work from home, and I make good money. So I don’t have much room to complain ;_;

  7. Being the on site IT because I’m the youngest please learn how to use your phones/computers. There are classes.

  8. Catty people who are overly competitive instead of supportive of their coworkers (I’m an actor-most of us are lovely but there are the few that view everyone else as someone to take down instead of recognizing that there’s room for everyone)

  9. I’m leaving but have 8 weeks left, the owner is unorganised and expects me to complete tasks beyond my pay grade because she can’t be bothered.

  10. Men assuming I’m less experienced/skilled than my male colleagues, having my ideas ignored until they’re voiced by a male colleague, and all office politics – “I’m telling you this strategy, but try to keep it from x manager until the time is right” 🙄

    I like building things and solving complex problems, please keep me out of the corporate gossip/drama disguised as ‘strategy’. One of the many reasons I never want to be a manager – I’m aiming to be the expert they turn to when no one can tackle the problem at hand, and I’m making my way so far.

  11. The pay is abysmal, I’m almost at a point where I can’t afford to work there anymore because of inflation, and they’re giving extremely pitiful raises if at all. I’m also doing another colleagues work that left over a month ago. Bonus: I’m almost 7 months pregnant and they don’t offer paid leave so I get to come back after 6 weeks to the stress of it all.

  12. I’m a plumber. Good intentioned people ALWAYS point out that I’m female. I hate it. Just let me work without pointing out my sex. It makes me feel “othered”.

  13. We don’t get paid nearly enough.

    And we often get treated like commodities instead of actual human beings.

  14. The fact that I heard a girl sobbing that she’s not gonna get hired full time if she doesn’t agree to go on a date. The fact that whenever the line is down, only women are told to do 5s. The fact that you can absolutely tell who fucked their way into their position and that they’re some of the most self-righteous assholes on the floor.

    Oh, and HR. Fuck you HR I don’t want cupcakes- I want to know why my supervisor gets to play on Facebook all day but If I dare go to the bathroom I get yelled at.

  15. I work in the advertising industry, and my least favorite part of it is how our more technological/business-minded clients expect speed of light turnarounds on creative projects.

    It’s just not realistic that we can deliver something like a full video in a week (even two or three week’s) time. If you want something great, you need to trust the creative process and that isn’t something that’s short in length.

  16. I mostly love my job buy am irrationally annoyed by clients who call incessantly and refuse to leave a voicemail, as if I sit around all day waiting for them to call and give me something to do. Then you talk to them and they go “you’re hard to get a hold of!” Nope it’s just that I have meetings, training and 500 other clients. It’s been 2 hours. Leave a voicemail and calm TF down.

    I guess the underlying problem is people thinking they’re the center of the universe

  17. The miscommunication, or blatant non communication, between departments. I hate it.

  18. They won’t fire people or address employee problems.

    It’s a combo from upper management who don’t care and government red tape.

  19. I work in tech and I don’t feel like my job does any good in the world.

    I plan to get a more meaningful job after I buy a house and pay it off.

  20. I hate the fact that I need to constantly appear busy for the entire working day. We have slow periods at times, or I get caught up early, and instead of trying to make busy work I’d much rather have the option to go for a walk outside or just anything that doesn’t involve me sitting at my desk.

    Working from home has been awesome, because I can do chores and run errands and no one is keeping tabs on me. But I’m headed back to the office four days a week at the end of the month and dreading it.

  21. That no matter how many times I say that I can’t work extra because I’m struggling to show up for my scheduled hours, I am constantly offered/asked/expected to work even more. And I’m exhausted.

  22. I’m a bartender at a strip club while working on my doctorate.

    A lot of the men that come in are so fucking creepy. I can’t tell you how many men have tried to get me to strip for them or have sex with them. They cannot take no for an answer and get angry about it. I’ve also had quite a few that have smacked me on my bottom or tried to make me sit in their lap or straight up tried to trap me against the wall. I’ve also dealt with them hanging around because I rejected them. None of us are allowed to leave the building at close until/ unless we have a male escort to our vehicles.

    My bf is one of the bouncers ( also working on his doctorate) and it’s insane how many guys he’s had to literally fight because they can’t act like they have any sense. He’s a fucking massive guy and these drunk idiots have no problem trying to fight him. Just insane.

    I’ve nursed broken ribs and broken noses so many times on him.

  23. My principal who is a bully, and my staff who never stands up to her. Makes my job miserable and a few teachers have already left because of her.

  24. I feel like I’m selling part of myself when I go to work. I have to tone down my entire personality. I have to pretend to be a different person. I feel like I’m acting at work, and it’s both frustrating and draining. I don’t even feel like a fraud at work….I know I’m good at what I do. I feel like I’m playing a character that I don’t even really like very much.

    Corporate me and real life me are two totally different people. I started this job a month ago, and I knew I’d feel this way, but I didn’t realize how intense the feeling and fakery would be. I am doing this for another 2 years, saving as much as I can, then moving to Colorado and I’m gonna grow weed. I’m gonna grow weed and build a ceramics studio in my back yard and I’m just gonna sell that shit and try to ignore the outside world.


    ETA: The nature of my work allows me quite a bit of freedom regarding how I present myself. So tattoos, piercings, and clothing isn’t really much of an issue. It’s more about the way that my industry *thinks.* And I just don’t think the same way. I don’t care about the bottom line or the budget or any other aspect of the finances, because it isn’t the goal of what I’m supposed to be doing at work. It’s just a shitty biproduct of being a state funded company that is chronically underfunded.

    I actually got this job so that I could execute the above plan. I have zero interest in continuing this line of work in the future, because after 15 years of doing this, nothing has changed and it just gets worse. This particular role just gives me the skills to be able to transfer to other industries.

  25. Dealing with my boss.

    I am myself a pretty slow person (according to those around me) but oh my god, when I have to work with him the task time doubles. Having meetings with him is like being in Interstellar movie, 10 of “his” minutes is 2 hours on Earth.

    The thing I hate the MOST is that during meetings it often happens that he has to write one or more emails to ask information to other coworkers about the topic we’re discussing, you would expect he just writes down the main notes and writes the entire email later but NO, I have to waste literally 20 minutes of my time to see him write the entire email and decide which word fits best to express a certain thing. Sometimes he doesn’t even send them straight away but just saves them in draft. Drives me fucking insane!

    I’m a software developer by the way and my boss is a much more expert software developer than I am

  26. Not necessarily hate, but I dislike the fact that there is so much emotional labor involved in my job of listening to people. Really hard to leave work at work

  27. I’m a SAHM. Have been for 12+ years. I hate that my job is 24/7, even my breaks have work in them lol

  28. It’s going nowhere. There’s no promotion path and these job skills aren’t useful outside of this small world.

    There’s zero appreciation or recognition for what I do.

    I hit a major work anniversary which is usually acknowledged at the monthly “everybody” meeting, but I was just handed mine two months late by my supervisor.

    I’m swamped so I haven’t bonded with any of my coworkers & don’t randomly stop to visit, so I never know what’s going on. All information is shared through the grapevine and I’m not connected to it.

    A lot of “for me but not for thee” rules. My boss and his friends at my level can telework if they have childcare issues, sick kids, workers coming to their house, just need a break to catch up, etc. but if I ask for the same reasons (even on the same day!) it’s 99% guaranteed no. Despite proving I was even more productive from home and I can be counted on, it’s still treated like I’m trying to get away with something.

  29. That men believe I do well in sales because I “look good.” No fuck you. I do well because I’m strategic as fuck and smarter than 99% of my competitors (both mens and women) in my field, and to say it’s anything other than that is insulting. Has nothing to do with fucking looks.

  30. How fake and shallow my boss is. Before our previous director passed away (she was such an angel, loved her to pieces) the atmosphere was very relaxed, chill, everyone got along without drama and problems were solved like adults without the he said she said bull shit. Now? Our new director has made morale hit an time low, fosters resentment and places people together who do not want to work together to “teach them to get along”. She blames all of our problems on us and denies any wrong doing.

    Her first order of business on becoming director was to ban anyone from bringing in their family members to work (many had children who would visit from time to time when school was closed). BUT. When she found herself pregnant with her fiancee, all of a sudden she was interested in reinstating it and couldn’t understand why no one was interested in her son like we were for other people who had children, myself included. Her son is two weeks older than my daughter and for some reason she thinks I want to compare mom notes, conveniently forgetting that I have made it very clear we are not friends and I only want to associate in a professional manner.

    This woman infuriates me so bad. Did I mention I work in education? This woman is one of the reason why good people leave the field. Smdh….

  31. Not sure where to start. Incompetent, micromanager boss. Rude coworkers. No pay raises or cost-of-living adjustments. No health insurance benefits. Office drama. Being overworked. That sorta stuff. I plan to leave eventually, but for now I appreciate that it’s a remote job at least.

  32. I don’t make a livable wage for a profession that requires a degree, constant professional development, and work that is truly never finished. If it weren’t for my fiancé I’d probably have to work 2 jobs to make ends meet.

    Spoiler alert: I’m a teacher.

  33. I’m often given nebulous tasks with no deadlines and they are presented to me as high priority and then they fizzle into nothingness as management gets fixated on the next squirrel.

  34. Workaholic culture. Don’t make me feel bad for not wanting to work past 8pm or on weekends in a job that isn’t saving lives.

  35. That I have to work so many hours at it. 40 hours, 8 hours a day – it’s too much. I don’t get enough time with my family and spend too much time at work.

  36. Everything. I hate working. I work because I need to, but the idea of being passionate and dedicated to labor is weird to me.

  37. That people assume it’s a shitty job that I hate or don’t make good money. People are often feeling bad for me thinking I’m “stuck” and/or offering me jobs, thinking they’re doing me a favor. At least once a week I get some kind of job offer for something that’s way more work and much less pay. The judgement from people is just the worst!

    I fucking love my job, I make decent money, I make my own schedule, take time off whenever I want, not much stress, I love to drive and listen to podcasts. I’m happy, go away.

    I know delivering pizza isn’t glamorous but the pros FAR outweigh any cons. Plus, not losing my job during a pandemic was pretty great!

  38. I think my least favorite part is having to get ready every morning at 6am and then driving and having to be an upbeat happy person when I’m far from it but I also dont want to seem miserable in my work place because I can’t. It’s a professional setting where I have to pretend to care about how every ones day is going. (Sorry if I sound selfish, I’m such an introvert)

  39. I HAVE to be here for 8 hours every day for five days a week. Would love a good job where the hours are more flexible

  40. We have your children longer than you do. You don’t discipline them at home and then you’re shocked when we have trouble with them. You send them in sick and then argue when we call to tell you your vomiting child needs to be picked up *now*. You get annoyed when your exhausted child naps because now you won’t be able to get them to bed before seven p.m. You rage at your child nonstop in front of other adults and then you wonder why they act up in school. You get mad at us when we close due to weather *in order to keep you and your children safe* because “what am I supposed to do with them all day?”

    Parents. Parents are the toughest thing about teaching preschool. We have a handful of amazing parents at my program, who understand that this isn’t glorified babysitting, and that this job is difficult and barely pays peanuts, but sadly they’re vastly outnumbered by the entitled ones who like to pick up their kids after the program closes (I can’t leave till your kid is gone!), or who call to say they’re outside, so you bundle up the kid and take them to the door, and you stand there like an idiot for ten minutes because the parent called early so they “wouldn’t have to wait”, and meanwhile someone from another class is watching my kids because I was alone with seven.


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