No one ever answers a simple fucking “what time do you guys wanna meet up”, it takes fucking days to get answers.

I’m right now waiting for a friend and it’s been hours and I’m so irritated. It’s not even that these people are busy. I mean they are and then they want to hangout and can’t fucking plan a day to meet up and then sometimes nothing happens and it sucks ass.

The worst part is when people decide to do errand the day of the fucking hangout! So then the hangout has to be squeezed in like some inconvenience.

Idk man…feeling sad and lonely tonight and think I’m gonna have to stay home for the night

TLDR: my friends don’t put as much effort into plans as I do and it makes me feel undervalued.

  1. You’re too accommodating. I tell my buds when and where and I just go – if they don’t show or do dumb shit….fine, let them miss out

  2. I used to be like this too it sucks ass being the initiator all the time. It’s so draining putting in so much effort to not even get the bare minimum back. I miss being more social but eventually I just stopped, I barely talk to a lot of the people I used to hangout with anymore and I haven’t really tried to find a new group tbh, no advice honestly but I certainly sympathize with you.

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