I’m a 22 male I’ve been jerking off multiple times a day for almost 4 years now, sometimes multiple times within the same hour. Now I can’t get my dick up on its own I gotta jerk it kinda and it doesn’t stay hard for that long. I also heard of other negative effects like decreased testosterone levels. This really sucks for me because I only just started attention from the opposite sex and I want my dick to be able to just get hard on its own so the other woman can feel it when she’s grinding on me at the club. I’m really hoping I didn’t fuck myself over too hard cuz I personally think I’m way too young to need the pill.

  1. yes but it takes effort and time. its really just the strength of will to stop masturbating and try to find other things and hobbies to occupy your time

  2. Coming from a female with sexual dysfunction problems, so I can relate in a way.. It may feel embarrassing to get on a pill to treat ED, but it may be the best option for you. Hidden medical issues or drug use can cause ED, so you may want to get a checkup.

  3. Just take it easy for a few weeks – maybe upwards of a month or two. The damage isnt perminent and is a combination of short term physical and longer term mental approach.

  4. What may help, is don’t masturbate unless your in the mood, when you do be mindful of your grip, you don’t want to death grip. Also limit your porn consumption if not abstain from it for a time.

  5. It probably is not because of how much you masturbate to masturbate it’s because you can’t find pornography that’s exciting enough to send you to that excitement level for it to happen

  6. Yes you can, save that sperm for a woman. That’s what got me to stop. LOL![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)

  7. I was single for a while but when I started dating and seeing how my significant other enjoyed a larger load I now make sure to save it for her as we only see each other primarily on weekends and occasionally once during the week.

  8. Yes, and I think it’s easier than what everyone here is saying. There’s no magic trick.

    I had a gf from 20-23 that I did lots of stuff with, so I didn’t jerk it often, I never had any problems. Then I was single for 4ish years and started doing it twice a day. New girl is interested, things get heated, I can’t get it up.

    I realized I had death grip (I watch pretty vanilla porn so I don’t think it was an addiction). Straight up don’t jerk it for maybe like 3 weeks. You’ll be back to factory settings.

  9. Take off for 90 days. You’ll be a beast. Keep in mind there will be a dead zone for a while where you won’t feel a thing. Don’t worry about that.

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