Touch-deprived men, what’s a memory of being touched that you cherish?

  1. I had a friend in english class and she would hug me every time she walked in

    Really just made the rest of the day a bit better

  2. I’ve been pretty touch starved since the pandemic started. A close friend of mine came over one night a while ago and we did MDA and had some cuddle therapy. That was very sweet of her.

  3. She cared for me so innocently. I cuddled with her knowing she cared so much. It was that part of knowing I brought nothing to her but pain and she just loved so simple and cared

  4. A then-girlfriend arrived at my apartment so we could spend part of our day together. I’d just had my hair cut but hadn’t mentioned it to her. When I opened the door to greet her, she immediately let out this “ooOOOooohhh” sound and ran her fingers over my head.

    It was such a simple thing, but it’s a very fond memory.

  5. I mean I interact with my dad but in the dating relationships sense I remember cuddling gf in the evening in her friend’s garden by a brazier cooking bread dough kebab style. So cosy, her mother brought up a blanket as was getting chilly.

  6. So it’s 2017 or 2018.

    I’m working a dead end night shift in stockroom in a retail store. Depression is at a all time high.

    I barely talk to anyone. Super recluse. My appearance is disheveled, my long hair is a mess. Shaggy beard. Basically look like a long haired version of Wojak.

    Anyway a year and a half into my job. A girl joins. She’s from the rich part of London. Likes travelling using her dad’s money, but also has a drug problem.

    For some reason she talks to me. We hang out more and more on our lunch breaks.

    Well one day her leg touches mine. She said it was by accident and apologieses.

    I said “yeah no worries”

    She leaves 2 weeks later.

    Fuck me I should of asked her out.

  7. My asshole hasn’t been touched by a woman’s tongue since 2001.

    I miss those days.

  8. Last time I was touched I got my crotch patted down by a 60 year old man at an airport. Do I cherish it? Nah. Is it sad? Probably.

    Think imma go hug my ma tomorrow.

  9. I always loved having my head rubbed after getting a haircut. One of my exes had a thing for touching buzzed cuts.

  10. Was into a girl a couple years back and we would hang out with another friend or two and usually we watched movies. Every time our legs would touch under the blanket and we just kept them there. I just cannot believe I never took it to the next level. Most likely the biggest L I’ve ever taken in my life.

  11. I spend Christmas at my older sister’s house, and most years the only hugs I get are during that trip.

    A few weeks ago, a drunk older lady hugged me along with everyone else at the bar. I kinda hugged her back with my elbows because I thought it was awkward. I don’t cherish that memory but it stands out.

  12. None, the memories are all gone now, thankfully. Because it’s the memories that hurt. The suffering ends when you forget what you wanted.

  13. It was the last date i had, six years ago. We stablished that we just wanted a FWB relationship and nothing else, she was older than me and we spent the whole afternoon walking, eating ice cream and talking about sex like two grown people without jokes and puns.

    Nothing happened after that for some personal and mayor reasons i had we stopped dating, she understood everything without any drama and we both went our ways.

    Despite that nothing else happened between us, it was a great self steem boost because i realized i ~~like older women~~ wasn’t as boring or unattractive as i thought. I just need to meet the right person.

  14. Being patted-down when entering a night club.

    Bouncer refused to take my phone number 🤷‍♂️

  15. I used to have a lot of touches from her and I always thought they would be there and then one day it stopped and she won’t say why.

    Years later, I was with her during a tough time in her life and she just grabbed my hand and held on tight for about 20 minutes and she looked at me with the most thankful eyes.

    I think about that moment every single day, multiple times. The possibility of experiencing that feeling again is really the only thing keeping me going. That look is engrained in to my memory.

    I will never forget it.

  16. I pay a masseuse to rub me down about every 2 months

    I think she gets it, she’s nice and friendly and goes out of her way to touch me a lot, like not just a massage she touches nearly every inch of my body while saying nice things. Ducking love that girl

    Married 26 years, can’t remember the last time my wife touched me

  17. I went to an anime convention with a couple of friends. We all shared the same hotel room, and since they were both girls the got one bed and I got the other. Well, when we were there, idr which day but one of the mornings, one of them came over to my side of the room and woke me up by putting her hand on my shoulder and gently shaking while saying “Heeeey Dracooooone, it’s time to get uuuuuup” and I just gotta say that was the happiest wakeup I’ve ever had in my life. A friendly voice and touch is so much nicer to wake up to than an alarm clock.

  18. Once when I was 15, my dad got really mad over a long weekend, I had a hard time with it.

    Anyhow, I was just casually talking to a friend at lunch about it and she just opened up and held me for about twenty minutes.

    That’s a very weirdly fond memory, considering that I never was great friends with her, we never dated, etc.

    But I still think about it from time to time, even though it was half my lifetime ago.

  19. First time I hugged a girl I dated was my first ever hug. She dumped me a few weeks later but I can still remember it.

  20. Alright men do need to be more open about emotions and feelings but y’all are making it fucking weird.

  21. I was playing a song and a friend rested her head on my shoulders while I played.

  22. I’ll have to go on a stretch here. A few months ago, a girl from a different town texted me out of nowhere (later found out that we had a mutual friend). It didn’t take long for her to become dear to me. She actually complimented me quite often and just… made me feel like I was worth something. I enjoyed every second chatting with her. Moving along, eventually I managed to meet her in person and, as anticipated, she hugged me at the beginning and end of the day


    That day didn’t go so well tho. When there were just the two of us, I hardly said anything cuz I just couldn’t come up with things to say. Then, we were joined by a group of her friends and I talked even less. As the days went by, my conversation with her dried up, and now we don’t talk anymore because of that

    She’s the person whose loss I regret the most. She was cheerful, fun to be around and just one of the sweetest people I know. I wish we had enough in common to have a successful relationship. But alas, I am not worthy

  23. Haha Not terribly touch deprived these days… But something I’ll always remember –

    Back in the teen years, I sometimes visited the youth group meetings held by my best friend’s church. Big group of kids – most of whom knew me from school.

    Anyways, whenever I showed up there, something happened that managed to catch me off guard every time. After I walked in the room and joined in chatting with my school chums standing there — out of nowhere, I would feel a sudden force hit me between my chest & stomach and wrap all the way around me.

    The reason: my classmate’s sister (a couple years younger than us) totally flew in at full speed, crashed into and fastened onto me, and squeezed me like crazy in a really sweet, long hug… complete with her head buried in my chest.

    Each time, the force caused me to let out the kind of grunt that would be automatic when someone’s gut area is attacked like that. Haha And the whole thing always made me chuckle (plus feel great).

    Then after a few moments, she would more or less just release her hold and smile up at me on her way to carrying on with her life for the evening.

    Such a sweet kid.

    Still to this day, I have no idea why she did that to me the first time or why it continued as a pattern. The memory is golden, though.

  24. As a Latina, I am always amazed at how deprived people can be of physical contact, especially men. It’s so normal here to hug your friends and family almost every time you see them. Even if you don’t have a boyfriend/girlfriend or close friends, you will surely get a hug at least on your birthday or new year.

    I think you guys need a Latino friend.
    Obviously I don’t speak for everyone, some people aren’t that affectionate, but I would say that many people in Latam are quite comfortable with physical contact. I had a German classmate at university, and she told me that at first it was strange for her that people were so physically affectionate, but then she got used to it, and she said that she would like people in Germany to be like that.

  25. Some girls always greet people with a kiss on the cheek. Whenever I get that from an attractive girl it’s always nice. Hugs are nice too. Jesus Christ I’m so lonely…

  26. The last hug i got from my now ex.

    It was long, warm and nice.

    It was a “I wish you the best in life but this is where our roads go different ways” kinda hug.

    I’ll never forget it.

  27. I remember back in school, a girl pushed me slightly. Before I discovered the glory that is Pornhub, I wanked over that quite a few times as she was quite fit.

  28. I was laying on my belly mostly asleep. I was woken up by my ex getting up to use the bathroom and when she came back she laid on top of me and wrapped her arms around my chest.

  29. The last hug I got from my ex’s daughter shortly before my ex and I broke up. I basically raised this kid from 2-8 because the dad wasn’t really involved and her mom was pretty off in her own world. So I treated the kid like I wanted to be treated.

    My ex and I were going through the rough, we know we’re about to break up, phase and I spent what was, essentially, the last full day that I’d have with the kid while the mother was visiting her mom. We chilled, watched a movie, laughed, and then she showed me her favorite music videos of the week.

    Idk what made me tell her this, but I said “remember kiddo, if you ever feel alone, you will always have music” and she scooted into me and gave me a huge hug.

    The next memory is her mom taking her down the steps where I was sitting and the kid saying “I’m gonna go pet some puppies! I’ll see you when we get home.” It’s been just about a year and I haven’t seen her since.

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