I(24M) saw some post over here that motivated me to share my similar situation.

My parents(45M)(44F) used to frequently go out as a couple a lot more compared to other parents. I mean, we did a lot of stuff as a family, but they seemed to really enjoy each other’s company more than anything or really preferred adult outings. When I was 16 years old, they opened up to me about their ethical nonmonogamious relatiobnship. They were swingers with a poly quad relationship with another couple who I thought they were just close friends of theirs. They thought I was mature enough to take the news and they didn’t want me to find out from someone else. They also wanted to be more open about their poly quad relationship at home.

That sort of gave them the green light to go all out with their enm lifestyle. The quad couple visited significantly more than usual. They were openly affectionate with this couple in the house. They sort of asked me to make myself scarce on the weekends more times I can count. I was 19 years old and I was commuting to community college. I remember coming back home a little bit earlier. I walked in and there was a half naked dude getting water from our refrigerator. I was shocked when I recognized him since he was only two years my senior and we went to high school together. He was in shock when he saw me too. My mom came out of her room asking him(lets’ call him Josh) when he is coming back for “second rounds”. My mom found me in the kitchen wearing her nightgown. Her face flushed red. She was in shock too, apparently. Josh spoke and said “My bad dude. I didn’t know these were your parents. Casey(mom) I went to high school with your kid.” I told them I’m going to stay at a hotel tonight. My mom quickly interjected and lied by saying Josh was leaving. The next day, she apologized for the awkward situation. She still kept seeing him though.

Now, I’m not attracted to my own parents. The sheer thought would make me hurl. However, the fact that my parents such special attention to someone who was my peer, made me insanely jealous. I started avoiding being at home. I was at the library or at my friends’ houses majority of the time. The good news was that my grades went up significantly. I was able to transfer to a really notable engineering school in the country to finish my last two years of my mechanical engineering degree. It was also far away from home. My parent pulled the usual “Oh we don’t you to go. Can’t you find some place close. Alright we’ll miss you.” bullshit. I got a nice internship for my last two years so I didn’t need to visit my parents during the summer or spring break since I could afford an apartment with my friends. They definitely visited me but I made it clear I was too busy for them when they visited.

It’s been two years now, but I love my life. I have a sweet job that pays really well. I am in a stable, lovely relationship for three years. Her parents love me like crazy. However, my parents were the ones that sort of spoiled my picture perfect life or at least that’s how I felt. My mother started calling me every other day even though the conversations were long, painful and awkward. Thet kept asking when was I visiting. I had to make up a bullshit excuse of being always too busy due to my job. My mom begged me yesterday to visit her on her upcoming birthday. I told her I was too busy for her. She started bursting into tears. She randomly started begging me to not abandon them like everyone else did. My father then called and told me that Josh and the couple moved on from them. That took a toll in their life and they just wanted comfort. I told my dad, it makes me uncomfortable to pretend to be close to them when I’m really not. He then called me an asshole.

My girlfriend and her family suggested I go visit my parents for my Mom’s birthday next week. My girlfriend’s mom told me her heart would be broken if she didn’t gave a close relationship with either of her kids.

I decided to share my posts on the polyfamilies and nonmonogamy subreddits. I got a few responses that were harsh. Some suggested I was running away from my problems and that I’m being cruel to my parents. It was hard to swallow.

I’ve decided to book tickets to visit my parents. I asked them if I could talk to them about our relationship and they immediately said yes.

I really don’t want to go but there can be alot of benefit going I guess.

The main reason I am posting over here is that I need some advice on how to approach this subject. I have nothing against them being enm nor do I want to know about the personal details of their sex life. However I feel the need to express how I felt throughout all these years as a kid.

Any advice would be fine. Thank you so much folks.

tl;dr: My parents’ lifestyle alienated me and now I am going on my mom’s birthday to talk about it with them.

  1. This needs more explaining.

    >My mom found me in the kitchen wearing her nightgown

    Why? Did you usually wear your mom’s clothes?

    >the fact that my parents such special attention to someone who was my peer, made me insanely jealous

    Who and what were you jealous of? Sex with your parents? Or attention to Josh?

    You need to tell your parents that pushing their lifestyle on you was unfair. Bringing their sex partners into the house where you had to meet and see them was inappropriate. They should have kept their play to hotel rooms. Now you don’t want much to do with them since they made their choices years ago, and it has affected you not in a good way.

  2. Just go home and be honest.

    There’s literally no other answer.

    Don’t be harsh. Don’t be angry. Express your true feelings without condemning them. Some of it might be difficult for them to hear but at least you’ll be giving the visit your honest effort. Be genuine about how you felt and how you feel and what you’d prefer moving on from now.

    And remember, your parents are people too. It’s hard to look at them and not be mad because you were just a kid and “parents are supposed to know better” but they’re just people.

    I really do think if you can tell them honestly how you felt yet give them a little grace things could work out well for all of you. This isn’t worth never having them around again.

    Speaking from experience, sometimes people die on you before you can have that reconciliation you always thought you would….

    They love you, you love them, they’re stupid but so are a large majority of other people and I doubt they ever meant to hurt you.

    Strictly my opinion. Good luck friend.

  3. Write out your feelings and examples of what problems occurred that hurt you. Try not to accuse and use “I” statements explaining what/how you feel/felt, believe, saw, etc. Try to be as clear as you can i.e. “I feel you valued and spent more time on your sexual pursuits and relationships than on our relationship”.

    Decide what your want from this discussion/visit. Do you want to work on the relationship? Get an apology? Explain what happened to get closure?

    I also recommend seeing a therapist to discuss this and get some advice. You can spend more time explaining the situation and they can help with understanding dynamics, improve your communication skills, etc. They’re a great resource for complex, interpersonal relations and how to manage them, not just mental health issues.

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