I was 23. That’s the age it kicked in for me.

Now if I sleep till 730am my mind immediately thinks “damn, my whole day is shot and wasted” which turns me into a grump lol.

  1. M58, Yep, work life does that to you. Retired five years ago and I sleep in until 6:30 now…..

  2. Never. I’m 35 and I will never be a morning person, that’s not how everyone’s brain works.

  3. I don’t think that way and I’m 31. If anything, I think waking up early is a waste because I’m just gonna fall asleep in the afternoon and be up too late that night.

  4. I wake up at 6am everyday, have done it more or less for half a century and why should I feel like the day is wasted?

  5. 23 or about a year into working my first real job out of college. Then during the pandemic I actually managed to lose the habit and regress. I was working remote and could get away with being barely functional, so my sleep schedule became completely erratic. Fall asleep at 4am wake up at noon kinda deal.

    Now, about a full year back on a regular schedule with in-person work, I’m back to waking up on time everyday. Got up before my alarm every day this week.

    I don’t know which was worse. I think the bad part is just having a job

  6. 33, for the past several years I’ve been getting up at 7:30 a.m. every morning, not any earlier or later. Anyone who has a value judgment to cast on that can #fightme

  7. 17 had to work and go to U of A @ Lr m.s. have been getting up @ 6am since even on my days off

  8. I’ve been waking up between 4-630am since I was a kid. The latest I’ll sleep is 730-8am and only if I’m sick or stayed out late. My best thinking and energy is early morning time.

  9. hasn’t happened yet. im usually night shift so I sleep till 2 before my shift at 3

  10. I can wake up at 11 on Sundays no problem. All it takes is a bit of alcohol and staying up late for whatever reason.

  11. since 8 y/o my mom and grandma train us siblings to wake up 3:30 to 4:00 am even weekends or no classes if late they whip us with bamboo stick ff my body clock always on time even i exhausted or drunk that night its like goodshit of training.

  12. As a kid used to wake up at 6am do my homework then make breakfast with my dad and then go out and play with friends.

    Highschool it was a toss up between getting drunk and playing runescape till 3am and up for school at 7.30 which made me hate mornings. Started waking up at 12 – 2pm now I’m 7.30 weekdays and 12 on weekends unless I have to do something lol.

    It’s easy if you go to bed between 9 and 11 waking up is easy if you go to bed between 12 and 5 am it’s hell but you get to stay up late doin shit with noone bothering you I think that’s why teenagers end up doing it and fuck sleep cos ur mum pisses you off during the day.

  13. Hasn’t happened yet. I wake up at 5am for work mon-fri. Saturday and Sunday I don’t get up till like 10am. Been a dad 2 years now.

  14. I wake up at 6 everyday for work and only been thinking about the weekends so i can sleep in. Not the opposite XD

  15. As someone who worked a lot of morning shifts(start at 6 a.m.), I got pretty used to waking up around 4 a.m.

  16. Started waking around 6 when I was 16. Started shift work at 21, needing to wake up at 4:30. Stayed that way ever since.

    A lay-in for me is 6 am. Usually up and about by 5:30 latest. I enjoy that hour or so before the kids get up.

  17. I don’t. On weekdays I go to bed too late and wake up early and on the weekends I sleep until 10-10:30.
    When I had corona I didn’t set an alarm and I didn’t look at the time that much. Apparently my biological clock is set at 8:30

  18. I’m 37 and if I’m not waking up for work, a car show or to go snowboarding I’m aggravated If I wake up before 10am. I want my sleep.

  19. I’ve been getting up at 6am since I was 17 🤷🏼‍♂️ My weekends are my sleep in days, wake me up and they’ll never see or hear from you again.

  20. I always woke up around 6-7 a.m., since I was a child. I used to envy my friends who can sleep in till 10 when I was younger, not so much now.

  21. 34 here, no kids yet and have been that way since my early to mid 20’s. Usually awake ready to go between 330-5, depending how late I’m up. Usually in bed anywhere from 9-1030

  22. I’m 53 and in the last 5 or so years I wake up with the sunrise (even with heavy shades closed), and I’m not going back to sleep no matter how long I lay there.

    Might as well get up and get shit done. 🙂

  23. 22 after I graduated from college. Wake up promptly at 7am and work until 5pm. I usually don’t stay up past 12 anymore since I’m wiped out from work. The frat party days are definitely behind me lol

  24. Wait, people actually think like this?

    I’m a night owl, but I unfortunately need to be up for work each day around 6:30. On the weekends, I get annoyed when I wake up that early. It’s a struggle for me, because no matter what time I try to go to bed, I don’t fall asleep until 11pm at the earliest. Most of the time I fall asleep between 12 and 1am.

  25. bruh i start working from home at 9AM, i won’t get up until like 8am and that’s just because i want to take a dump and grab a coffe before start (not in this order) otherwise i would totally wake up at 8:55. that totally depends on your life habits.

  26. I feel irresponsible if I sleep past 5 or so. The latest I’ll wake up is 6:15.

    On Saturday, I try to go to Dunkin before the kids wake up and meet them for Saturday morning cartoons (MLP and old-school *Batman The Animated Series* lately) and do Donuts With Dad. I try to give my beleaguered wife a chance to sleep in.

    But 6/7 days a week I’m up at 4:45 to make it to the gym when they open at 5 so I can be back to make my family breakfast and get ahead on emails/Slack messages.

    I also get bitchy if I oversleep. I’ve been this way since I was 22 or so.

  27. 30 and not there yet, but I did notice in my mid to late 20’s that I started getting up much earlier than when I was younger.

  28. I work different shifts. Some days my shift starts at 6:30 and some it starts at 14:30; you bet your ass that I sleep in and enjoy the privilege whenever I have afternoon shifts.

    32yo, here. Having a fluid sleep schedule is one of my unofficial benefits; seriously, you try sleeping in, being on your phone for a bit and then head to work and not feel like it’s halfway a vacation day.

  29. I’ve always been a morning person. Lately I’ve been getting up around 5 or 5:30 and I go work out before work and I love my schedule.

  30. Never.

    As soon as I was out the army I started sleeping until 0900 unless I was working.

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