I have successfully pass the first 2 rounds of aptitude and technical test. Plus one virtual interview on zoom. They have told me to come for final round in an offline mode, into the company. I haven’t appear for any offline interviews. Like sitting in front of people’s asking me questions. I am very bad at making eye contact in person with people. Plus I tend to forget things when people stare at me. I am very confident about my knowledge but it’s the anxiety sitting in room with bunch of people watching me. Can anyone help me giving some advice or tips whatever you called, on how to make eye contact be confident and relax at same time. 😔

1 comment
  1. Don’t be anxious,act like your chilling with the homies,I know this is an very important interview but other opportunities will come along if this doesn’t work out,you gotta make yourself feel at ease,bc if your awkward the conversations will feel forced and they will feel uncomfortable around you,they want someone they could hang with 5 days a week,if you know the content which you proved with the aptitude and technical tests,you should be fine verbalizing that,I’m guessing your a programmer and if you have a great track record of your work,they’ll like you,bc that’s hard to come by,best of luck on your interview

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