hi,i turn 22yrs and i just realized that i always struggle to make any friend and i want to change that.When it i was in middle school all the way to high school i use to have anxiety and i never did talk to anyone when if people came up to me to talk or when a teacher would call on me i always couldn’t get a word out and even of i did get a word out my voice sound so shaky.I did go to therapy for this but i stop going after my therapist moved to a different location i can say it did work but wasn’t enough,i felt like where my anxiety came from was from my acne,i always use to cover my face or mouth with a long sleeve shirt or use my sweater.Up to current day,i want to change because i get depressed knowing i never have gone out,or made any friends,i have been inside my house for about 2-3 years i rarely go out and that taken a toll on me.I feel like its best i start doing changes now because i dont want to keep being home doing nothing everyday.I always wanted to makes friends to talk to,hang out with,or play games with even if its one friend.I dont have any hobbies that i enjoy doing but i did think about going to the gym or a skatepark that something i always wanted to do,but i always get nervous to do stuff alone even to walk outside my home i get backtracked thinking that people would think it odd that i go out alone even if its all in my head.Right when covid started i use to use a twitch since lockdown was occurring and i did enjoy watching stream for like 2 years but now that covid is dying down in a way,i dont want to keep using twitch to fill that spot i alway wanted to fill,i want to start going out and hopefully meet people or make new friends but i don’t know to to start or even make friends.Any advice on how to start making friends or what i should do since my family isn’t that supported when i try talking to them about this topic and i don’t have anyone to turn to or even talk about it.

1 comment
  1. hey i’m also 22 years old and realizing my social life needs work. my situations a little different. i was pretty social in high school and a bit of college but i always struggled to pick up on social cues. anyway, im just getting out of a toxic relationship where i let all my friends fall to the wayside while i focused on my ex during covid. now, im having to do the leg work of showing them and myself i can be better and trying to make new friends and not repeat the cycle. at first i would get anxiety just walking through my local park. i would freak out if someone made eye contact and smiled at me. “omg are they staring at me. they totally are omg do i have something on my face? am i walking weird?? let me adjust my feet and pace so nobody else does that. omg wait now im totally walking weird! did someone else just look at me??” you see what i mean? i kept at it. walk for 10 minutes one day then 15 another. then i worked up to the gym. then seeing a friend one time. then once a month. baby steps. it all will add up to build your wealth of confidence. one day at a time and one foot in front of the other. keep your eye on that prize and give yourself grace and time to get there. my ultimate goal is to go to a dancing class then from there, skydiving! i’m not there yet, but i will be. the friends i make in the process are cool too 🙂

    by the way, the gym is a great outlet and place to grow in. you can think your anxious thoughts and use that emotion as fuel to power through a workout. then you’ll be too worn out to think! win-win.

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