Are there any other women out there who are deciding to hold off on casual sex or dating because of this decision? I think dating will be much harder. I am prepared to delete my dating apps due to this decision.

Update: Please stop incriminating women who choose to be casual or choose to be monogamous. Regardless, this affects EVERYONE and can happen to a loved one in a LTR, a marriage, or a casual “fling.” There’s always risk with sex and depending on the state you reside, could be cumbersome.

  1. i’m currently in a relationship but if we were to break up, i would probably only be interested in a long term casual relationship only.

  2. Some of the people commenting don’t seem to understand that birth control is not a 100% guarantee that a pregnancy will not occur. People are not using abortion as birth control smh…

    I get your sentiment OP. I am single currently, but if I were in a relationship, even then I feel I would be hesitant to have sex. That is how much I do not want to have another child.

    It is such a sad day for women in America and for the children that will be born to mothers who do not want them or cannot take care of them.

  3. Oh yeah I’m definitely gonna think twice before having sex with a random now

  4. Online dating becoming less about casual sex and hypothetically more about real non-sexual bonding would be great, if there’s any silver lining to today at all.

  5. Literally sucks for everyone so annoying. millions of people are going to stop having casual sex or want to casually date bc the government is holding us hostage

  6. me 🙋🏻‍♀️

    i’m not a big fan of casual sex to begin with, but knowing that i get pregnant very easily and will not have access to an abortion clinic (i live in a red state), it’s just not worth it any longer.

  7. I was already abstinent, but now I’m gonna be more careful about meeting up with ppl and hookups. I’ve had close calls that were scary enough. Literally afraid tho, because even tho I’m abstinent rape is a legit threat, especially as a college student. My state has constitutional carry tho so..

  8. Just remember this didn’t make abortion illegal nation wide. It just removed the right of it.

    States like CA and NY. nothing changes. Some other states tho. Time will tell.

  9. As a dude, just wanting to add a comment that I have women’s backs on this decision no matter what it ends up being. This is devastating to all americans whether they know it or not and I don’t think that changes how autonomy, joy, and consent are at the heart of everything.

  10. I was already set on waiting til marriage (for more than just religious reasons I grew up with). This just cements it.

  11. You can still get abortions in other states I believe, might require residency.

  12. This decision is absolutely horrendous. America is going backwards. FYI we have also lost our Miranda rights 🤬

  13. If it doesn’t work out with me and this guy I’m dating right now there’s no way in hell I’m getting back on dating apps, hell no.

  14. Depends on the state right? Much of the Mid Atlantic (DC,VA, MD) and north on the east coast will be unaffected by the ruling I would assume the West Coast would be largely unaffected by the ruling.

    I don’t think most people are deliberate or think things through when it comes to casual sex. They just do it.

    Also, weirdly I think that people abstaining from casual sex is exactly the type of behavior that supporters of abortion bans would like to see happen.

  15. It’s not just casual sex but any sex. DINKs who never want any kids still want to prevent pregnancy.

  16. Yup. And I’ve already started talking to my OBGYN about getting my fallopian tubes removed, too. Having a child would ruin my life.

    One of my best friends works at an organization that helps fund travel for abortion access. They’re expecting this to be a legal battle, and that red states that ban abortion will likely ban traveling out of state for one, too. So just looking to blue states is not the answer, the solution, or the silver lining. This is really grim. And facilities that provide abortion in blue states may face having strained resources.

  17. I think every women should stop putting out. Maybe then men will realize women control their bodies, not men.

  18. No imma keep getting dick but I’m getting a new iud next week thank gawd

  19. absolutely! viewing any man from this point on as a walking threat. it’s terrifying that making the decision to abstain from sex doesn’t account for the possibility of being SA’d. SA is at an all time high and with more woman most likely abstaining from sex, it’s only going to get worse.

  20. Today some girls said they probably will have to rely on B.O.B. or make a guy get a vasectomy (and wait until month or 2).

    Another person said F*** it they’ll go gay. I don’t know if that’s how it works, but they might have been joking.

    I was shocked they overturned an established precedent and lied at their confirmation hearings about Roe V. Wade.

    Years ago people said if they got in they’d start getting rid of our rights and make it like the 1950’s again. I didn’t believe them, but I guess I was wrong.

    (Here in the U.S. we aren’t actually free. We’re ruled by corporations/rich people who are making decisions about the laws. We don’t have living wages, paid maternity leave/proper vacation, fair college costs, fair insurance costs, etc. We’re screwed.)

  21. It’s ironic you say that because a lot of the people who are in favor of Roe vs Wade getting overturned are also against casual sex and hook ups. So you’re kinda doing exactly what they hoped you would.

    P.S. I’m pro choice and not happy about the decision of the supreme court. I just know from discussions and debates that a lot of Republicans were hoping that overturning Roe v Wade would discourage people from having casual sex.

  22. I wouldn’t expect some sort of large-scale exodus from sex over this, at most you’ll see less pity-fucks or incredibly ill-conceived one-night-stands. None of those are even remotely enjoyable anyways, so it won’t be a huge loss.

    Almost all women (exceptions to every rule) already try to avoid accidental pregnancy like the plague because **abortions are a horrible process even if they choose to do it.**

    Basically, wrap it up more and do your best to make a woman feel comfortable and safe and you’ll probably be fine.

  23. Is that men’s birth control pill on the market yet? I’m not fucking any guy that isn’t on the pill or that doesn’t have a vasectomy from now on. Men y’all might as well update your dating profiles now to show whose side your on, I have a feeling that’s going to be important.

  24. As a man with a vasectomy… I feel like my stock just went up.

    No but seriously, as a man with a conscience… I would split the expense or more of traveling somewhere to have the situation taken care of safely. And going with, even if it were a fairly casual partner. I know it’s hard to see it this way right now… but today’s ruling is a speed bump on the road to broader reproductive rights. You still have options. Sadly this impacts poorest people the most, as money buys options – this was an attack on the most vulnerable women in our country.

  25. I haven’t got laid in years won’t change anything for me. Welcome to the club.

  26. I am no longer able to get pregnant, but IF I was, I can assure you I would not have sex with any man, for any reason. And I’m sure a lot of men will get angry about hearing that, TOUGH. They just have to get over it. Guys, learn to whack off ’cause you aren’t going to be getting a lot of sex anymore.

  27. I have an IUD that I am responsible for, and the men I sleep with are responsible for wrapping up. I’m more concerned about states going after IUD use, since I have 2 more years left with Paraguard.

    Ideally, I don’t like how online dating = casual sex. I am looking for a partner, but sometimes sex happens. Life is unpredictable. Thankfully I live in a state that is heavily blue (mostly thanks to one large urban city) so I feel safe for now. However, my state is surrounded by states that want to make abortion illegal.

  28. I love the virgins in this comment section who don’t understand there would be no babies without sperm. Time to regulate men’s bodies!

  29. I’m a cishet male and maybe within that group I’m a minority but I totally fucking get it. People who think any reaction to this is overreacting don’t understand the fundamental violence that comes from this outcome.

    Fuck the supreme court. I have zero respect left for US institutional power. It’s rotten all the way to the core and this is simply a reflection of that truth

  30. As a guy willing/wanting to date but not have sex, I’m down with your decision, but also furious about the circumstances that made you feel compelled to make it. Today is a dark day for America, at an already extremely dark time. To every woman in America, I’ll help in any way I can.

  31. If I lived in USA I’d stop having sex regardless of my status. Go on a strike. Men in power made this happen. And men in power listen to other men. Men will have to feel the consequences of this. There will need to be a massive massive response to this for it to change back.

    Fuck men in power who control women. Yuck.

  32. Lot of talk of birth control..

    That’s next, as well as gay and interracial marriage

    Source: “Justice” Thomas’s opinion.

  33. I’m sterilized (tubes gone) so it doesn’t affect me. I gave up dating a long time ago. I am not into casual sex but hell, maybe I should start.

  34. I still plan on dating but will it make it clear I’m not in a hurry to have sex nor am i interested in casual sex. And looking into getting an IUD and stocking up on plan B, just in case I do meet someone I want to have a monogamous relationship with 🤷🏾‍♀️.

  35. Really debating it as I live in a red state… it was already difficult to find reproductive health here in Tennessee. Scary ducking times right now.

  36. Most definitely Not jumping in with just anyone. I did without sex for the first 18 years of my life, I can def wait however long for someone I can at least trust they’ll have my back when it comes to these issues. Imagine you get pregnant and they don’t even help you pay for an abortion or much worse don’t claim it? I just can’t. I wouldn’t stop OLD but if a guy has a problem with waiting or anything they’re just not for me.

  37. I’m a dude, and I figure it’s going to be harder to date now with Roe gone for the time being. Not that I’ve been all that great with dating over the last year at any rate.

    But yeah, I understand and support women entirely here. FWIW, I have a personal mantra of ‘no glove, no love.’ I live in Indiana, a deeply red state, and as much for myself as for the woman I’d be sleeping with, I would wear a condom and be damned careful about who I sleep with; sometimes, that cool hottie who you talked up on Bumble or Hinge is actually a nutjob conservative, and if she gets pregnant, you might get trapped. I’m not in a place financially or mentally to be a father, and I wouldn’t want to leave a girl to deal with that on her own. Nor would I want to be saddled with that financial burden.

    Women are going to put out less. And frankly, so am I. We all have to protect ourselves for now.

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