My FWB wants to go to an adult club (i.e. swingers club). It would be the first time for the both of us. We will be registering as a couple and recently began looking into dates to go.

I have no idea what to expect, what to wear or how to act once inside.

Although we’re going as a couple I’m assuming everyone there will be open minded. Am I expected to hook up with others with him there? Not saying I will but curious if that’s the expectation. I know he would never pressure me to do anything I don’t feel comfortable doing I’m just not sure what is appropriate and what isn’t.

I’m excited but nervous about going. Any advice??

FYI – I am a 30F, FWB is 36M

  1. Read the rules before hand, gives you an idea of the place.
    They usually have a tour if you are new.
    You do not have to do anything you don’t want to. If someone comes up to you and asks for something you can just say “I am not interested”. If you are interested, check with your partner first, I know they are a fwb but still.

  2. Most places don’t allow solo males, or charge them exorbitant rates. My guess is that he wants to go screw around, but can’t go by himself. I say this just for awareness, not to say that anything is wrong with any of it.

  3. There are no “expectations” put upon somebody attending a swinger club. You’re not expected to “hook up with” anyone. You can choose to engage yourself with others in conversation or play or choose not to. You can stay in the common areas and hang out or choose to watch others. If somebody touches you without permission you can ask them to stop, if they don’t stop they will likely be removed.

    It sounds like your FWB will be looking for another female to join you. Although it does happen, I will say it’s semi-rare to find and have a single female join in play with a couple. A lot of times the other female would be there part of a couple.

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