You know what is kinda sad about how much of an introvert I have become? Whenever pretty much anybody that usually doesn’t pay attention to me pays attention to me I start feeling happy. But then they go do something else and that happiness fades. And it just sucks ass cause I wish I had both the confidence and the social skills to make more friends but I don’t.

  1. Me too. At the same time I don’t have anything to say and then they go away.

  2. It’s a skill, you need to practice to get better at it and the more you do it the more confident you’ll become. But I must say seeking validation or attention from others is a poor substitute to just being happy with yourself.

  3. Get rid of the word introvert. That’s has nothing to do with it. You need learn how to approach people and that’s a skill anyone can learn. I wrote this on another post.

    Here it is
    Bro start small that’s it. Your goals are too big for your experience level. This is what you need to do.

    I want you to walk up to a girl in your city and ask for the direction of a coffee shop nearby. That’s it. Say it loud and proud. It’s going to be nervous and I guarantee you are going to feel awkward but what you will notice is that the woman will smile and point you in the right direction. This should start breaking down the negative belief system that you aren’t good for women.

    Do this with 5 women.

    Next I want you to give a compliment to a girl. Say I like your outfit or dog (usually girls walk with dogs). Walk away after you give the compliment. You will notice that at the very least the women will respond with a smile.

    Do this to 5 women

    Finally I want you to talk to a girl in a social activity like a bar or club and ask why did she come. Empathically read her by saying something like  “you seem outgoing or adventurous. That’s cool!” You will notice if it is a nice girl she will talk to you for a longer convo.

    Do this with 5 women.

    After you do this, you should be more confident around women and you might enjoy it. Then we can talk about cold approaching for a date.

    Good luck!

  4. Social skills are *skills*. Nobody was born a carpenter, a mason or a mechanic either; some may’ve been more talented than others, but all of them put their heart and soul into learning. Unfortunately, there are no social guilds offering apprenticeships, but you could practice on your own and perhaps ask for feedback.

    Being an introvert is not an excuse not to learn basic life skills. If you take the easy road out, it’ll cripple you in every aspect of your life. People with decent social skills get more opportunities in life. Both confidence and social skills are learnt, even by those to whom they don’t come natural. You have to put in the effort.

  5. Stop being a pussy, it sounds hard
    But if you want to know more I can tell you alot

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