What’s so brave or amazing (terms I’ve heard used) about going through labor without epidural?

  1. It’s unbelievably painful, like painful on a level that you couldn’t imagine unless you’ve done it. Making it through without any pain relief is pretty amazing.

  2. I mean. Shoving an entire human out of you without pain relief is metal as fuck. You know you can tear your clitoris during childbirth? It’s rare, but it can happen. It’s way more common to rip your vagina. But sometimes it doesn’t tear, but it needs to, so they do an episiotomy, which is where they snip the tissue between the vaginal opening and the anus to make more room for the ENTIRE HUMAN you’re pushing out of your genitals. You know, the area with the most sensitive nerve endings in your body? Yeah. I dunno if they’d use a local anesthetic if you’d declined other pain relief (I wouldn’t be surprised if not, given the way they ram IUDs in there with no pain relief), but even if they do, would you be brave enough to let some doctor stick your bits with a needle several times, so they can snip your holes bigger?

    I wouldn’t.

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