So, as the titles says, my dad is “forcing” me to join a toastmasters next month (he’s letting me choose if i want to join or not but i know he’ll be disappointed if i don’t Join the club because “i need to get out of my comfort zone”…kinda true) he says it’s gonna help me with my social skills and speech since he also said i must improve myself in social skills if i want a successful life in my work field (kinda true) but I’m still unsure about this toastmasters thing, it feel like just another speech club (i joined a speech club years ago but left because it was boring af and didn’t help with my confidence at all) i searched about it on the internet and found a subreddit as well yet I’d like you guys an opinion about it whether if toastmasters is a good choice or not (i didn’t ask this in the toastmasters subreddit because i know all the comments will be positive but i want to know if it’s worth it or not, pros and cons, etc)

Also, if i happen to join the club, I’ll feel nervous and extremely shy about being a new member, just thinking about it is giving me a little bit of anxiety but I’m trying to improve

  1. I’ve gone to a few bc I was curious about it. Everyone was really nice and accommodating. I’d go back.

  2. Everything you say points to this being a good idea. The benefits of TM are real. If you want to negotiate for something a little different, perhaps commit to joining a different club like a boardgames group or something where you’ll be forced to meet and mingle with new people but it’ll be more interesting and have people your own age which increases the chance of you sticking with it.

  3. I was forced to do TM when I was a kid, it was ok. Now I am older, I realise TM taught me many life skills that have in some way helped me throughout life.

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