Men who married a Karen. How is life going for you?

  1. I hate it.

    I go to sleep every night hoping I die peacefully in my sleep.

    I wake up and say “fuck” when it doesn’t happen.

    I constantly think about the one I should be with until I can’t take it anymore and I self medicate with edibles.

    Rinse and repeat every fucking day.

  2. From my experience, female Karen’s typically marry male Karen’s. Not always the case but usually when one is a terror, so is the other.

    (I work in retail. This is just my experience lol)

  3. I haven’t, but a close friend has. He talks to me about divorce daily. The one thing I will tell you is, they don’t start out as Karens. It’s just they push around their husbands for so long without push back, they extend it out to the world.

    Just a word of caution for those of you out there with a pushy GF.

  4. A friend of mine is a Karen, we’re not very close anymore… Her husband is a very mild mannered guy, you can see him cringing and silently apologizing for her behavior… I wish he’d call her out…

  5. Most of the men who married a Karen either don’t know she’s a Karen or are proud of it.

  6. can we clarify what a Karen is please?


    I’ve used the word before and was lectured by a Karen about it. So I’m kurious.

  7. My mom’s a borderline Karen and my dad is extreeemely sweet and considerate. He’ll try to stop my mom but gets disappointed ( even sad) everytime when she doesn’t.

  8. You ever come across a question and just think, “I’m so glad I’m not qualified to answer this.”

  9. not married to her anymore, so I’m good. But she still wants to talk to my manager.

  10. My wife is friends with one. They have Been married almost 1yr and probably won’t make it to 2.

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