I just found out my gf loves extreme porn like super heavy deepthroat bukkake gangbang etc. Im totaly oke with that. But i was wondering should i be more extreme in the bedroom as well. Sometimes we do it extra rough but not that extreme like in porn.
Thanks for the help

  1. Talk to her in a non sexual situation. She may want to experience those things, she may just like the fantasy in an imagination sense.

    “Hey, I’ve noticed that you like some more extreme porn. Would you like to try any of that in real life, or is this just fantasy for you?”

  2. Just because she likes to see it happen to other women, doesn’t mean she wants it to happen to her. I had a partner that loved watching painal. Sometimes she would even suggest watching some while we were having much more conventional sex. While she did like anal now and then, she didn’t like it to be painful at all.

  3. Definitely talk to your girlfriend about it. Here’s the thing – my search history would have you think I’m some psycho deviant. While that may be true! some of this stuff is just fantasy fun. If I did something like in that one spanking video, I’d feel so bad about hurting the gal (even if she liked it). My point is: some stuff is just fantasy and that’s it.

    Also, without knowing how far her viewing habits go… I mean, consent is sexy. Just throw some stuff out there and be like, “would you want to?” Doesnt have to be a scheduled “at 7pm on Thursday, I want to tie you down and drop candlewax on your back” thing. Just see how they feel about some of it in real life.

  4. Definitely talk to her and ask if she wants to make things more rough! I have a lot of the same tastes and rough play is absolutely better for me!

  5. We all watch things we would never really want to do. Not a safe assumption. Talk to her.

  6. Men and women like looking at certain things in porn, but that doesn’t mean they necessarily would want that in real life. For example, I like it in porn when the woman is kind of mean to the guy. But if someone was mean to me in real life, I’d probably just cry.

  7. I may get some hate for this, but… porn is fake. Not “fake” fake, but it’s still fake. It’s just for the sake of the camera.

    You need to do what you enjoy, not use the porn as a yardstick.

  8. I’ve known women that want to be in a gangbang and would do it if the situation was right. And I’ve know women that love the idea and like that kind of porn, but would never actually do it, they 100% want that in their fantasy realm. This is a pretty dark: but I knew a girl who was raped and now has rape fantasies. But she absolutely doesn’t want to be raped again, she preferred the exact the opposite to get her comfortable for sex. Her fantasy was just that, a fantasy and coping mechanism.

    So it’s best to ask her what she really gets out of liking that porn, and if she wants to bring that into her sexlife. Or if its just something that she gets off watching other people do it. DO NOT just spring it on without knowing why.

  9. you should definitely ask her, this could be her way of trying to tell you? but there’s only one way to find out.

  10. Not necessarily, lots of people like porn that they wouldn’t want to experience in real life. You should ask her if she wants that, or if she’d prefer it to remain a fantasy.

  11. I’ve watched porn of certain sexual situations that have gotten me off but I would never do in real life. So you can ask her, but don’t try to just do it without talking to her abt it first.

  12. Only 3 terms

    Consent, consent, consent

    Not neccesarily imp that she likes to watch it so she would enjoy engaging in it.

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