As a completely original thought experiment, imagine you could literally perceive emotion (not individual thoughts) with 99% accuracy. If a men felt attraction, disgust, envy, hunger or boredom you would know. In that scenario, many women would feel emboldened to take action. After all, you’d know when you’d have a good shot and when you didn’t. You’d also be able to play to his emotions.

No one can read emotions to 99%, but some people are much better than others. At the very least, having a good read on social cues would allow women to take their shots that they have and more confidently. Currently women may be oblivious or worried they’re misreading cues and therefore take half-actions or even no action at all.

So my question to those who want to take part is how well do you think you read social cues? How much do you think that has affected your dating life? I’m particularly interested in how people’s views and success correlates with results on [this human design chart]( If you want to, post your result as part of your comment!

  1. I think you’re coming at the problem from the wrong angle. The solution isn’t to read how people are feeling and go in knowing what will happen, so much as it is, to build up enough courage to go in while *not* knowing what will happen.

    Not that it’s bad or pointless to learn how to read people, it’s a great skill to develop. I just mean that, when you have a problem of “I’m afraid to try because I don’t know enough,” then “I’ll try anyway and learn” is a better mindset than “I’ll increase my knowledge until I’m not afraid to try anymore.”

    That said, I think I’m pretty good at reading people these days—if I had to put a nubber on it, I’d say my accuracy is maybe 75% and my attention (because sometimes I’m too distracted to even make a read on people) is about 75% as well. So ~56% of the time, I’m right, every time, lol

    edit: I looked at the link and it looks like superstitious bogus like a horoscope or something so I’m not gonna do it lol

  2. Guys need this skill because women are rarely direct. They are more emotional and they rely on body cues to signal their rejections. However, it near impossible to do it naturally instead you have go up to people and learn how others interact. Only then will you read social cues.

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