My boyfriend (26/male) of almost 10 years has recently started following girls he used to be “friends” with and some he also dated. I’ve (24/female) told him countless times how it bothers me, and he continues to tell me that it’s me being insecure and it’s my fault I feel like this. I saw he followed a girl that he says he knew from high-school but didn’t say if they had ever had a thing and her account is all thrist traps and videos of her shaking her butt. I brought it up and he said he did it because he was mad at me… we have been arguing the past week in the mornings because of being late to work and money. So I feel that that’s a very odd excuse/whatever. I just don’t know anymore, this has been going on for so long.

TL;DR* boyfriend is following girls from his past, some thrist traps and doesn’t care how it makes me feel

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