What is a phrase or quote that gives you comfort on sad days?

  1. One I came up with, “Thankfully and unfortunately, everything in life is temporary”

  2. “It aint much but its something”
    Sometimes you just gotta go with
    “It aint much” and then laugh about it

  3. Ann Patchett’s books can be very down to earth, so I tend to appreciate her quotes the most:

    >”Some people are born to make great art and others are born to appreciate it. Don’t you think? It is a kind of talent in itself, to be an audience, whether you are the spectator in the gallery or you are listening to the voice of the world’s greatest soprano. Not everyone can be the artist. There have to be those who witness the art, who love and appreciate what they have been privileged to see.”

    >”Love was action. It came to you. It was not a choice.”

    >”He believed that life, true life, was something that was stored in music. True life was kept safe in the lines of Tchaikovsky’s Eugene Onegin while you went out in the world and met the obligations required of you. Certainly he knew (though did not completely understand) that opera wasn’t for everyone, but for everyone he hoped there was something. The records he cherished, the rare opportunities to see a live performance, those were the marks by which he gauged his ability to love.”

    The human condition, in all its complexities, makes me happy. When I’m sad, all I can usually focus on is the worst of humanity, times I’ve been hurt, times *I’ve* hurt people. Denying that wouldn’t be true, so it’s a comfort to think about all of the other things that balance people out.

  4. Whatever is meant to be yours, will be yours. Whatever is not meant to be yours, something better will be.

  5. “Your life is not your own. Take your hands of it.”

    My sad says are pretty bad days.

  6. “In 100 years, no one will care” –comforts me when I get stressed about things that ultimately don’t matter in the grand scheme of things.

  7. If I’m feeling super alone while going through something, I remind myself, “what you’re going through has happened to enough people that it has been given a name.” It reminds me that I’m not so misunderstood in my pain that another person can’t relate to me.

  8. “From ashes to beauty” This isn’t the full quote, but a teacher said this to me in middle school, and it’s stuck ever since.

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