Title says it all

Edit: I get I have to move on, but how do you go about doing that?

  1. Go trans, no but seriously there’s nothing you can do keeping her around will just hurt you, just walk away from that.

  2. Move on.

    Surely you see other attractive women you can begin chatting up?

    In the meantime read a book, take a hike, get busy with something.

  3. Could be worse. This means that she is not interested in me because of her natural sexuality, and not because of my possible lack of visual attractiveness or bad character. 😉

  4. Maybe she’s a friend now? I tend to lose sexual attraction towards people once I know they would never be sexually attracted to me.

  5. You cut contact with her. Nobody is entitled to your friendship, just like you’re not entitled to a relationship with anybody. I know it can be “harsh” or hurt her feelings, but you have to look out for yourself as well. Staying close friends with her isn’t going to do either of you any favors

  6. Unless you want to ruin a friendship just move on and don’t treat her any differently.

  7. It’s a crush, not a girlfriend. Disappointing but there are plenty of other women out there that properly like peni.

  8. You need to determine whether you will be able to get over your crush while being around her. If you don’t think you can, it’s best to amicably end whatever contact you’ve been having with her.

  9. Glass of whiskey, reevaluate your taste in Women, change your standards and move on.

  10. What matters to you is that she is not interested, the reason is irrelevant.

    You respect her decision and do not ask again. Go find somebody else, or focus on other activities

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