I was used to be extremely jealous in public and all that is associated with being akward. Now I am a team-spirit and have multiple friends and lead student unions which is an extremely socially demanding enterprise.
I now have a girlfriend, whom I met really spontaniously in public.

I was working contiously with psychologist

  1. It sounds like you fixed other mental health things going on and it helped you socially, which is super awesome. I’m really happy for you, internet stranger.

    But I would point out introversion isn’t wrong or doesn’t require “reform”. Introverts can still be warm and have great social interactions, it’s just that they need time alone to recharge.

  2. Thus is why I hate the word introvert. It’s like the adhd crisis of the 70s for us. We are quick to give ourselves labels and stick to them religiously. We are introverted when we are shy and quiet and then magically we are extroverted once we build up our personality.

    Cheers to you though because I know that wasn’t easy!

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