I think I just massively improved my game and wanted to share with you lost poor souls

So whenever I match with a drool-worthy girl I always love-bomb her (almost impossible to restrain myself from doing this seriously 😒) and she doesn’t respond well. Well I figured out it’s because she ends up seeing me as this guy whose not “goal-oriented” and instead “sex-oriented” which is the opposite of “goal oriented” in this context

So instead of just telling her how I feel now without holding anything back, instead I ask her questions and start conversations. It makes her enjoy the interaction and feel like I’m a much better and trustworthy guy than somebody who is a bit less carefree. Ultimately it’s just way more effective at getting the job done (getting the date) using things like mutual interest, rapport, laughs. It’s way more time intensive and hard to carry out with girls you’re not abolutely infatuated with (which is probably a very good thing because it shows the girl who genuinely is very interested in her versus who is not really interested enough to put forth effort)

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