Men of reddit, what makes you insecure?

  1. When your gf asks you to insert her lover’s dick into her vagina with your own hands.

  2. Not having shit together, unlike most guys at my age. Physically subpar. My whole professional life was basically getting the job after lying in the resume.

  3. When the girl you’ve been seeing drastically changes the level of communication with no apparent cause

  4. Feeling like a lesser man there other men. Not being found attractive. The size of my penis. Not being able to provide for my family. Feeling like I don’t have control of my life.

  5. Nothing these days. Old man now.

    In the past I was definitely insecure because I was soft and cared too much about other people. Experience taught me not to care anymore.

  6. Most things, generally. I’ve never been good at anything in my life, and I wasted my time doing nothing so I have 0 life experience most people flaunt over me with superiority.

    I barely qualify as human to most people, so I can’t say I’ve really ever felt good about myself. Knowing that I have no value or worth as a person really ramps up the insecurities.

  7. My intelligence in the classroom in college (and potentially elsewhere). People around me, including my crazy smart gf, are consistently able to grasp things much more quickly than I ever can. Sucks hearing that I’m the only one in our group that didn’t understand something and when I ask about it they act as if it were the easiest thing, which usually leads me to prefer studying without them. Hopefully things will things will be better in graduate school when my gf and I start in a couple months. Luckily she is aware of how insecure I am about it so she does try to help, though I hope I won’t hold her back when we do start grad school.

  8. Overcoming insecurities is one of the secrets to a happy fulfilling life. I’ve overcome my insecurities about my Race, height, education, physical and mental abilities and have fully accepted that people exists who are better at me at everything. And some even have bigger weiners. OK these facts have been accepted and I’ve moved on with my life and choose to be happy.

    Most of it came from a Tony Robbins Course I took it 2003. Changed my life. I’m happily married and very happy nowadays.

  9. The thing that makes me insecure is due to my past , I’m very dumb in the heat of the moment

    If I have time to reflect , I’m bright . I’m an idiot under pressure

  10. I lost my job three months ago. Now I have no savings left and I’ve had to borrow money from a friend. I’ve found a new job but their hiring process has taken forever and added to my time unemployed. I’m not even sure I’ll be good at it. Nothing would make me feel more useless.

  11. My body, I lost almost 100 lbs and now all I have is loose skin, stretch marks and hair and it makes me not want to take off my clothes. I know I’m skinnier but I can’t think of anyone who would be attracted to my lump body with a shirt on

  12. End of 2019 i was mugged. Guy hit me in the face with a brick like 9 or 10 times before i blacked out. He kept hitting me and ended up breaking or knocking out all my teeth and destroyed about 60% of my lower jaw and 40% of the upper. After 11 surgeries to repair jaw and remove broken teeth i now wear dentures and am very insecure about them and the way i talk.

  13. Being in my 30s and still being a bedwetter. A real ego and self esteem crusher

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