So a bit about me. I’m 30m. I’ve been single since the day I was born. My self image about my physical appearance bothers me. Body wise, I’m overweight – 200lbs at 5’8. On a scale of 1 to 10 (where ten is awful), I feel I’m about a 7.

I could go to the gym and workout. But for the longest I’ve been a low-hope individual. In the past, I’ve put myself out there towards online dating. But boy, it was a lackluster. I, however, have other positives going for me. For example. I have a very great lifestyle in the areas of no smoking, no drinking, no tattoos, and no piercings.

tl;dr – will a man’s weight and body be a deal breaker with the majority of women even though he has other things going on for him?

  1. > will a man’s weight and body be a deal breaker with the majority of women

    physical attraction matter, to some ppl tat’s all they see. Dw, too much. If you are obese, then go to the gym for the purpose of health, not the person to be accepted by others.

  2. Being prone to be overweight is often genetic. Diet is usually a larger factor than exercise. If you don’t change your diet going to the gym probably won’t even help much. I’ve seen it with family members they go to the gym several times a week for months on end and hardly lose any weight and wonder why but they don’t change their diet. It’s not even about what you eat all that much. Yea carbs bad blah blah but at the end of they day if you just eat a lot less and switch sugary drinks for water and deal with the hunger you will lose weight faster than any other method. And it’s a lot easier imo than going to the gym all the time imo.Not saying you should t exercise because it has many health benefits and does help with losing weight but if you get really hungry and eat a ton because of your exercising then you’re going defeating the purpose. Whenever you’re hungry your body is burning fat for energy. Whenever you’re not hungry your body is using the food from the last meal you ate for energy. Eat less often and smaller meals

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