What was your childhood like?

  1. Well, I had two. The one with my family, and the one that was me making a good one happen anyway.

  2. I am really blessed with awesome parents and siblings, it definitely was a 10, I literally call my father a superman because I just have to wish for something and boom it is there:)

  3. I got pretty lucky I think. We were fairly financially stable until my parents split up when I was 14. They split amicably as my Dad had come out shortly after he turned 50. I didn’t have lots of trauma besides a couple experiences in my teens, and for the most part my family gets along pretty well. Compared to what most of my friends went through as children I got lucky I think. Most of the shitty stuff started after high school anyway.

  4. I had an amazing childhood. We spent the summers at the beach and I have the best memories with cousins and friends. I was also into playing sports and my father never missed a game…even if it meant him leaving work early. My grandparents also lived close by and I would often walk to their house and hang out with them and my aunts and uncles. You could feel the love the moment you stepped into their house. I was always greeted with hugs and kisses.

  5. Early on I was outgoing and had a lot of interests. Then when I was 13 I was kidnapped and raped by an older cousin and I was not a happy kid after that. I did eventually get counseling and develop interests in martial arts and student government.

    We were an upper middle class family in the Midwest. My parents had a really non affectionate marriage and divorced when I was an adult. I was really close with my dad and not with my mom, and that’s still the case.

  6. It would have been perfect if my dad didn’t had a psychotic episode and was diagnosed with Bipolar when I was pretty young. .. He is still an amazing dad, and my mom is a remarkable woman, but we are definitely disfunctional. No abuse, just trauma because living with a mentally ill parent is never easy.

  7. Grew up in the south, a small town in Georgia no one talks about. Went to church every Wednesday and Sunday. Religion played a big part in my childhood. I don’t have to many bad memories so I’m thankful for that.

    All in all, I’d give it a B-

  8. It was pretty bad.
    I think I repressed just how bad it was until recently.
    I mean I knew a lot of bad stuff happened but because I swept so much of it under the rug I didn’t think it effected me as much as it really has…

  9. It was great until my parents divorced. Then they argued because neither of them wanted to take the kids. Finally a judge forced my father to take us in, he was dating a woman just a few years older than me. So we were forced to move in with them and they were not happy about it. Until I moved out he made sure I knew how much he resented being forced to care for us.

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