If you really like a woman and she hasn’t replied right away or replied after hours, what’s on your mind when that happens?

  1. If my depression is acting up, I typically over-analyze our last conversation.

  2. That she doesn’t live her life with her phone glued to her hand. I wouldn’t worry whether she replies immediately, I’d care more about nature/quality of her replies.

  3. That she’s out getting gangbanged and in between they’re all talking shit about me

  4. She is busy and will get back to me when she can. If not, oh well, c’est la vie.

  5. Depends on the woman, her job, her life, etc

    I was texting my now wife when we were just starting out and she would take hours to reply sometimes.

    She also had a job and a toddler. She and her daughter loved naps. So she apologized a lot at first for falling asleep with her toddler, plus she was just busy a lot of times.

    But I also didn’t reply at times because I like to leave my phone laying around on vibrate.

    Not eveybody has their phone attached to the hip.

  6. She’s busy talking to other guys. You think you’re the only guy? Dude, check out fresh and fit on youtube. You will become the Chad that she wants and is waiting for YOUR text.

  7. Dude, relax.

    She could be busy. Her phone could have died. She could be charging her phone in the bedroom and binging Netflix. She could have seen your text, thought to reply, and gotten distracted.

    She doesn’t owe you an immediate reply.

  8. That she just won game 5 against Mkleo in grand finals and reset the bracket, so she will take a bit longer to respond.

  9. Nothing, unless that far outside the norm for her. More than likely I’ll make sure she’s ok the next day and then leave her alone.

  10. Nothing. Move on with life as it is. If she comes back then good if not then meh lol.

  11. So in this scenario you’re texting your crush but have no relationship? Overthink it but ultimately realize there is no obligation to text back quickly or at all.

  12. Hours is nothing. People get busy. People get stressed out. They have a million and one things on their plate and replying to you may not be top of the list.

    Now, if we’re talking days? Maybe you said something wrong. Maybe she met someone else. Maybe she had a death in the family. Maybe her house burned down.

    If she really likes *you*, she will make an effort to stay in communication and, depending on the length of the absence, provide an explanation. If she *doesn’t* really like you, then there’s not much you can do about it.

  13. You have too much time on your hands if you can worry about things like that. Talk to more girls so you dont care if 1 chick doesn’t write you back or find something else to do that actually help improve your life.

  14. Nothing. I give her 72 hours.

    If there’s no reply, then she’s ghosting me.

  15. Life is going on and she’s busy.

    I’d prefer that she prioritise me, but that’s justy ego.

  16. It would go through my mind that she doesn’t have interest in me and i should move on asap.

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