I’m 25M. I graduated in 2020 and since then my life had been pretty disappointing.

I’ve had one pretty mediocre relationship since then. I truly cared and still do care about her. But it became more of a very close friendship for me. It hurts a lot, and I miss her a lot. But I want to feel really attracted to my partner and I just didn’t. Haven’t dated anyone since then.

My job, kinda sucks tbh. It’s not bad in the sense of it pays badly but it’s just so dull. I don’t like the people. They’re all older with kids. I don’t live in London like the majority of my uni cohort do. So that feels quite disappointing. And yeah I’ve tried getting another job but it’s difficult.

Add on covid graduation and losing all the momentum with lockdowns. I feel a bit shitty.

I had my postponed ceremony yesterday and it’s made me realise how shit I feel compared to when I was back at college. Back then everything new and scary I did with people like me. Now I have to do it all alone.

Does it get any better? Coz I feel pretty down about life right now.

Tl;dr my life feels quite disappointing and not sure how to change it or if it even will change

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