Fellow men of Reddit who have tried online dating. What was the most “what is wrong with this person” / “how this person has ever dated someone before I have no idea” interaction.

  1. Basically every time they act really dodgy or flat-out ignore any questions I ask them. Not even really personal stuff, just “what are some of your interests?”

  2. Did once. Ended up being a Trans. I noticed right away. Took said person to dinner and just had a regular friendly time. No sheet time lol.

  3. only tried it once, and i ended up meeting with the girl and she had ZERO social skills. It was honestly the most awkward experience I’ve ever had. She texted perfectly but when we met up it was like talking with a shy toddler. Very, very strange

  4. I joined a dating service for arsonists yesterday. Woke up with a bunch of matches this morning.

  5. Oh, I once dated an absolutely beautiful woman who happened to be crazy. As in, she had a dream that I left her and married someone else so I got stabbed while I was sleeping.

    Taught me to never take crazy home with me.

  6. I met a woman online once that was… Strange… First, she was looking for a man to build her a ranch. She had found the land for it (but did not have the money to buy it) and she wanted to live there with a farm of her own and needed someone to pay for that. If you see all the red flags there, hang on, there is more. Then she told me about her “dating system”. The first date would be a walk or a cup of coffee (quite normal) but the second one, that’s where crazy starts to show. Second date in the stable meeting her horses. If not all the horses seemed to like the guy and show affection for him, that was a dealbreaker.

    I did not go on the first date. Sometimes, I can overlook crazy, but this was a shitload of crazy!

  7. I never used an online dating app, but a friend of mine streams his swiping sessions and honestly, pretty much any girl profile on those make me question this.
    The utter lack of any substance behind their bio, the fact that they basically have nothing to offer beside the looks (sometimes not even that, if we’re being completely honest), they are incredibly basic shades of individuals without any personality that convinced me most guys on these apps are seriously desperate

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