So, I love eating my gf’s pussy, but as soon as I start, she asks me to fuck her. As far as I can tell, she likes me going down on her, but she won’t cum unless it’s PIV sex. My question is: is it possible she’s “too horny”, and this ultimately leads her to want sex, or is it me?

My exes always enjoyed when I used to eat them, one in particular loved cumming after 30/40mins of me licking her pussy (not that I’m trying to compare my gf to my exes, it’s just I fear I’m loosing some kind of skills). I’d say it’s a sort of a goal for me, maybe even a matter of pride, to make my gf cum orally, but first I need to find a way to avoid her asking me to fuck as soon as I start licking… any tips?

  1. I’ve been with women who struggle being comfortable receiving oral, getting stuck inside their head about cleanliness, smell, taste, etc.

    If that is the hold up, it is going to take time – at least from what I’ve experienced.

    Alternatively – maybe she just enjoys PIV because that is what gets her off. Just communicate with her and find a good compromise on things she likes and things you like.

  2. Tie her down. Tell her you’re not going to stop eating her out until you’ve decided she’s cum enough times

  3. Ha, my wife is just like this too and I find it pretty funny because it’s the complete opposite of what you see in this sub almost all the time. The fact is, women are all different, and there is a small minority who cum easily and strongly from penetration and it’s their preferred way to get off. My wife says that dildos do the job, but it’s the combination of penetration and the eroticism she finds in my penis that makes the pleasure so strong for her. I love giving head too, but I love her being happy more. It’s ok to take pride in sex, but make sure it’s pride tied to the right things like quality and satisfaction, rather than what people say good sex should look like. Good sex is different for everyone.

  4. I can definitely answer this as a woman who does exactly the same thing. I am naturally a “giver” and almost always put a guys pleasure first. So if they were to go down on me it makes me feel like they are only doing it for me, so I will ask them to do something I know will benefit them too. I would tell your girlfriend how much it turns you on and how it’s just as much pleasure for you as it is for her!

  5. She a winner I wish my partner enjoyed giving me more head as much as I enjoy giving it to him. I wouldn’t mind getting eaten out for 40 mins hell even 5 to 10 mins. Guess you got to love head to want it that long

  6. That’s how I react most of the time. It’s like foreplay to me rather than sex, and yeah it’s almost like it makes me “too horny.” I orgasm more easily and have more orgasms in a session from piv, and just feel over all more satisfied by everything about it.

  7. I don’t like cumming from oral, or much clit play. Tbh. It gets really super sensitive and uncomfortable once I cum once. I much rather cum PIV or anal. It’s a better orgasms for me.

  8. I mean, I definitely like it when he goes down. But it does really get me going and for me, nothing compares to having him inside me.

  9. As a lady, I ask for this when I know I won’t cum from head. Im not saying that it is the same for her but just my personal experience. For me, the multitasking when y’all are down there is important. I need fingers and tongue because I’m a penetration gal. If that’s how she is, try doing both! Or incorporate a vibe/dildo. Dunno if that helps.

  10. So I do this too a lot of the time. Personally I don’t really feel getting eaten out very intensely (it’s “nice” but if you rubbed my shoulders that would be more pleasurable) and while I still find it very important for a guy to WANT to eat me out, I only really want it for like a minute max normally. I then get bored and usually want piv sex, which is what I really enjoy out of the whole act. The only exception was one guy who somehow made me feel great while getting eaten out but I have no clue how he done that, but even then after a few min I wanted sex. When I was younger and less experienced I would also kick any man off in a minute but that was because I’d get shy and feel like I’m taking too much rather than giving, kind of feeling sorry for the guy for having to eat me out, idk but it made me emotionally uncomfortable.

  11. While some of my partners have preferred oral, most of them have been as you described. So you either roll with it or make her wait, as it were. The buildup might lead to an even more exploisve orgasm.

  12. Do you ever incorporate fingering while giving oral? Or using a dildo while giving oral?

  13. she might feel too much ‘pressure’ that you wanna make her get off that way and knows she’s just not going to, as much as itll feel good for her it could be a thing.

    i’ve dated women who all can only get off certain ways, and knows that’s deff an aspect thst can come into it. feels good, dosent wanna for too long and wants to get off.

  14. I love receiving but sometimes
    a.I get bored Lying there
    b. I get insecure being centre of attention
    c. I wanna get involved
    d. Together is better
    e. Dick feels so good when I’m super horny
    f. Might know As much as I’m enjoying it I’m not gonna cum that way this time so wanna switch it up and
    g. all of the above.

    Please note these are not in order 😂 I struggle to enjoy piv after I’ve cum so I’m aware of that too. Does that give you an insight? 🤷‍♀️

    Oh I should add
    H. If I’m wine drunk… no matter how good he might be I might fall asleep lying down receiving so yer I don’t want that 😦

  15. What stood out for me was… 30 to 40 minutes whoa! That’s definitely some enthusiasm there.

  16. I once hooked up with a girl, and she told me that usually doesn’t cum from oral alone. This could be the case for your gf, too.

  17. My girlfriend is similar. I love eating pussy and I can do it for a long time, but she doesn’t seem to like it. When I asked her about it, she said that it’s great and it feels good but she wants me. She gets a bit impatient and wants to get to the main course. She likes fingering better but she will still look at me and with her eyes tell me things like I’ll lose my mind if you don’t fuck me now.

    It’s not that your skills are rusting, it’s just that however good you might be, your girlfriend wants PIV more because that’s more her speed.

  18. my bf loves to eat me out and he could do it for over an hour if i would let him. the problem with me is it’s too gentle to finish from it, it feels really good but personally i just like the feeling of more pressure so i like piv or fingering better. just figure out what kind of stimulation she needs

  19. I think she just likes what she likes and it has nothing to do with you or or your oral skills. You can communicate to her that YOU enjoy oral and would like more time down there and she may be willing to chill a little longer to give you that.

    But I don’t think it’s fair to expect her to orgasm that way because of your own pride when it isn’t something she naturally cares for. She genuinely just may not be able to and then she’s going to associate pressure/stress with the act which is the opposite of what you want.

  20. If she wont cum unless its piv, and youre a giver, why not just fuck her? Thats what she wants, right? You could also try being a bit more dominant. My bf loves eating me out and i love it, but for me it just makes me more horny and want that dick inside of me. Thats why i often stop him after a short time. But he also likes to tie me up so i cant stop him and he’ll eat me out for an hour or more until i beg for piv so i can cum. Its the hottest thing! Lots of ways you could please her with or without piv 🙂

  21. I love it when my husband eats me out but sometimes I can’t handle it any more and I almost NEED him inside me

  22. My wife is the same way. She’s very ADHD and this “sexual impatience” is actually pretty common among those with ADHD. She’s thinking about the D, and kind of hyperfocusing on it to the point she’s not fully enjoying what’s happening in the moment.

    It’s like, “why would I want a snack instead of a meal?”

    The only solution I’ve found is extended teasing. It’s not a perfect solution, sometimes that just frustrates her and turns her off, but if I get a few drinks in her, maybe blindfold and/or restrain her, and embrace that ‘Dom energy’ I can get her really turned on. Then it doesn’t matter what I do, she’s willing to fall into the subservient role and whatever I do she’s into it.

    I think it’s that rather than knowing what’s coming and trying to skip to the good part, this puts her in a state of anxious anticipation of whatever happens next.

    Consequently, when she finally does get the D she’s cumming almost instantly.

  23. I’m the same way honestly. For me, oral just teases me. I can cum, but it’s not as full bodied as insertion. And usually the first time I cum is the most powerful, so I don’t want to waste it on just oral.

    Maybe after PIV you can ask her to go a second round of just oral?

    Or you could use your fingers or a toy while you go down on her? I just want to have something inside me when I cum, maybe that’s her thing too.

    But best advice is just to straight up ask her what’s up. “Communication is key” is a cliché for a reason.

  24. >I’d say it’s a sort of a goal for me, maybe even a matter of pride, to make my gf cum orally,

    First you gotta get two things clarified: Are you going down on her for her sake, or yours? Secondly, clarify with her whether she, in turn, is asking for intercourse for your sake or hers.

    Some women love it when people give them oral sex for a prolonged period of time, and others don’t! Make sure you’re not mistakenly assuming she’s the former, and not the latter.

  25. Hmm. Well I had a bf who would say almost the exact thing as you. “My exes loved it”, “It’s a goal”, “It’s my skill”, “I’m really good at it”. Honestly, him telling me all those things put way too much pressure on me to fake a reaction so that he could feel accomplished. And then I just pictured his exes every time and it turned me off. Even though he said he was a “giver”, it really wasn’t about my pleasure, or else he would have listened to me about what I wanted/needed. I was grateful that he wanted to do it. He was good at it sometimes, but not the best I’d had- because he didn’t listen to what I would say I liked. He would ask for my opinion then just get offended if I said what I wanted.

    So I have two suggestions: the first would be to be honest with yourself if you’re really caring about her pleasure and listening to what she wants? The second suggestion would be to try 69. That worked really well for us because I didn’t have to worry if I was acting excited enough for him, we could both give, and then I could relax enough to enjoy both

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