Asking for a friend..

  1. Make sure they know the deal and don’t do or say anything to make them believe otherwise. A lot of people won’t be into it and you just have to accept that.

  2. Players do not but I have run into some polyamorous people who have had long-term relationships with multiple partners.

  3. It just doesn’t work that way. It was always short term, Two was manageable, three was always a train wreck and four was a brief visit into mental chaos. None of it was healthy, for anyone, especially me.

  4. Pretty sure “players” don’t have healthy long-term meaningful relationships until they stop playing the field and settle down … with one person.

    If you’re into polygamous relationships, and your partners are too – that might work in short term, but I’ve never known anybody to remain in such a thing for more than few years. That would call into discussion your definition of “long-term”.

    Scenario usually plays out this way … you’re a player until you find that one special woman that knocks you off your feet and you stop playing around with other women.

  5. They don’t, not gonna happen. Someone in the relationship will always be disappointed.

    Trying to balance one relationship takes time and effort. For every person added it can quadruple the time and effort needed to keep it balanced and happy. In the end they most always implode.

    Can it be done? Sure there are always exceptions but the probability of it being happy and balanced for all is exceedingly low.

    You have better luck playing the lottery

  6. They enjoy their relationships as long as they’re in them. Kinda self explanatory.

  7. I have 4 partners , these relationships have been going on the longest for 7 years and the more recent about a year.

    Ask away. I’m very happy about it at the moment and I have been doing this for many years.

    Of course all my partners know about each other. I don’t like lies.

  8. Multiple healthy long-term relationships. Those are friends or they are polyamous but definitely not players.

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