I (M22)matched with this girl (F20) like a week and a half ago on a dating app, we connected really well and we decided we wanted to go out. She wanted to go out last weekend but I was out of town so I unfortunately couldn’t. She works weekdays full time and she said she’s kind of a grandma and goes to bed early so weekends are what would work for her.

Fast forward to this week I asked her on Tuesday if she’d be free this weekend, she told her her friends were making plans but we’re very indecisive so she didn’t know when she’d be available. I understood bc my friends are similar so I told her I’d bring it up again a few days on the weekend. So Friday comes and I will give you a word for word translation on what happened. Might not be 100% accurate but it’s close. *important note this conversation is over snapchat*

Me: would you possibly want to go out In a bit and grab a couple drinks? Ik it’s short notice but i know our friends both suck with plans

Her: when?

Me: in about an hour or two maybe 3? Want you have time to get ready and such.

Her: maybe but I’m kinda tired today. (She works full time)

Me: Oh ok, I don’t want to make you do anything if you’re tired. I have plans tmrw but would you be down for Sunday maybe?

Her: sry what did you say? (Assuming she accidentally double tapped the snap)

Me: \*sends pretty much the same thing I said previously

Her: Ope

Me: Ope?

Her: *sends me a picture of a salad with no text*

Like is it that hard for people to give a direct answer? If she’s not interested which I’m sure is the case just say that? I don’t think I did anything wrong, reject me thats fine but just be fucking direct?

Even if she thought I was a threat and didn’t want to be direct just block my snap and Bumble? I have no other contact info from her.

I get if you’re not interested anymore but just say that???

Annoyed and frustrated.

  1. First thing you really need to know: don’t get emotional by ANYTHING a girl does. Be unperturbed.

    Your messages were probably a little too considerate tbh. No need to justify so much.

    Go quiet, absolutely do not text her again. If she’s interested she’ll reach out, and if she does just set a date with less of the overly considerate crap.

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