My husband (24M) and I(21F) have been together for 4years (married for 1) He use to be excited when I would wear lingerie and would get all dolled up. But now it seems he doesn’t enjoy that and only seems in the mood when I’m not pretty. He always says I’m beautiful and is a very loving man, I just find it weird that he only gets aroused when I am in my cleaning clothes, in my night gown, or even fresh home from work ( looking like a hoooot mess). Does this mean something bad? Or does he just find me sexier when I’m all natural? Open to all responses!!

  1. Its totally fine nothing to worry , he loves you that is why he accepts the way you are and gets turned on by your presence and not by the kind of clothes you wear

  2. That’s normal, it’s like when some women get turned on when their man comes in covered in oil/sweat from working hard

  3. You secrete more pheromones when you’re sweaty, for one. The only way to know if he finds a natural look more visually appealing would be to ask him

  4. It sounds like he’s really into the real everyday you. I definitely wouldn’t be worried.

    If you enjoy getting dolled up and he isn’t appreciating that, talk to him about it. Make sure he understands it’s something you like to do and the positive response would make you feel good about yourself.

  5. Usually guys act like we like lingerie, but we just say that to boost your confidence.

    Ask him, what is he’s favourite hairstyle of yours, that’s the only thing we might really care about apart from that, your naked body is what gets us going… oh maybe nails done too

  6. As a guy I’ve always seen lingerie as more of a thing for women; I can take it or leave it but every girl who has worn it for me has expected my brain to explode when they seem to enjoy it more than I do and when talking to my male friends they agree that we just prefer our ladies natural but idk; like I like lingerie sure but I would take my girlfriend in her pyjamas over lingerie any day of the week.

  7. Seems like he likes you. Nothing extra, just you. It’s actually really rare to have, your really lucky.

  8. Well, there’s a semi-naked, or very suggestively dressed woman, promoting bikinis, lingerie, gym memberships or anything else, on every bus stop and billboards on the street. That shit gets tiring; that’s a feeling I’ve been having recently.

  9. One possibility is that he feels added pressure to perform when you get “dolled up,” especially if you’re doing it specifically for sexual purposes. I’ve had that happen if I’m not in a sexy mood or maybe I jerked off earlier that day and know I won’t be at peak performance. Then my wife decides it’s a good night to pull out the stops for sex, and I get kind of anxious because she’s clearly in the mood for a steamy night, and I might not be on the same page physically or mentally. That’s pretty rare though. I do love when she does those things.

  10. I think that Is fairly normal. It is also like when someone is turned on by someone who just exercised and looks a mess

  11. It could be unfortunate timing. When I’m not in the mood, lingerie won’t change my mood much, when I am in the mood “a hoooot mess” won’t distract me. If you like wearing lingerie wear it casually for yourself it might actually end up working on him when he’s not pressured in to a response. But some guys literally just don’t care.

  12. It believe it called a labor of love on both sides. My lady loves seeing me building up a good sweat from working around the house or fixing the cars when I am home.

    I also love seeing her get her hands dirty when we are working outside and doing yard work.

  13. I’m a little bit this way with my girlfriend. Her wearing pajamas and frumpy clothes really turns me on because it shows that she’s comfortable enough to just be and that she trusts me.

  14. I’m the same way. Lingerie is visually nice, but otherwise it’s just a pain in the ass to take off honestly. I do like buying cheap lingerie for my wife and just ripping it off, that can be pretty hot.

  15. There’s something private, vulnerable and unself-conscious about a girl in her night gown or pjs or wind-down home clothes which is a turn on for some men.

  16. The most I’ve ever appreciated how physically attracted I was to someone was a former partner of mine. Assigned female at birth, but one day they were wearing this green cotton…thing. Kind of a housedress, slightly too thick of a material to be a nightgown, nothing remotely fashionable about it.

    But the fact that they were wearing that and nothing else, and that they were just flitting about the house being relaxed and just being who they wanted to be, was incredibly sexy to me right at that point in time.

  17. I love revealing lingerie but HATE makeup. My Wife knows how to turn me on super easy though. I won’t go into details here. But she is good at what she does lol.

  18. Perhaps he is attracted to you, the woman he lives with daily and not the primped, made-up, fancy and putting on a show you?

  19. Perfectly normal. He loves the real you.

    I’m basically the same. While lingerie is nice I don’t get the same thrill as when I see my gf in just one if my dress shirts or sports jerseys and nothing else.

    I come home and see her wearing that, it’s a quick way to find herself bent over the nearest object.

  20. We guys generally always like natural vs makeup. There’s just that primal instinct

  21. Lust vs love.

    When you were first together, he got turned on by the physical you, wearing sexy cloths added to it

    Now he loves you, and is turned on by you being you.

  22. real men are with the women they are with because they love them not because they are a ll done up or don’t have any flaws. most men don’t care about the things their partners are insecure about. he is comfortable with you and likes you for how you are. maybe look at yourself in a mirror and write down all the things you like about yourself. no negative comments allowed. then ask you husband to write down the things he likes about you and compare. I doubt he is going to put sexy underwear.

  23. Lingerie sold to be sexy is exactly the opposite of sexy,men like white sheer underwear that maybe leaks out a little flesh like side boob,oh and sun dresses with no underwear for easy access, sex is about allowing him to access you,not you being aggressive

  24. Guessing it’s some combination of liking the natural look and liking to be in control. For some guys it feels really good to take you from work mode or cleaning mode and bring you into sex mode. If you step out in lingerie, you’re already there and he doesn’t feel that sense of power and accomplishment.

    That said, lingerie is hot and you should talk with him and come up with things that work for both of you.

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