I(39m) recently came back from a two month business trip back home to find that my daughter is taller than me. I feel guilty because I missed her high school graduation but I brought her many souvenirs. We were tied in height/I was a bit taller for the longest time, but my daughter finally overtook me. For context, I’m 5’7 and my wife is 5’6, and our daughter is 5’8 and perhaps still growing. She’s been teasing me a lot and has been comparing her height to mine and really loves to stand next to me nowadays. I find it pretty funny and cute that she does this.

However, I feel like my daughter will lose respect for me as a dad over time. I know that she still loves me and always will but I don’t want her to think I’m not a strong man or that I can’t protect her because I know I can protect her with my life if need be. Is there any way to deal with this issue? I don’t want her to ever think that she can’t come to me for protection or advice. TLDR: I(39m) am insecure about my daughter(18f) being taller than I am.

TLDR: I(39m) am insecure about my daughter(18f) being taller than I am.

  1. This is all in your head. Just because she doesn’t physically look up to you anymore doesn’t mean she’ll no longer see you as her parent.

  2. There’s no respect earned in the distance between the ground to the top of one’s head. Academy award winner Linda Hunt is 4’9″ and Peter Dinklage (a few inches shorter) an Emmy and a golden globe winner have earned the highest of honors and the esteem of just about every one of their peers. Audie Murphy was 5’5″ and earned every US military combat award for valor available as well as French and Belgian awards for heroism. Your girl may be able to look down on you but she’s definitely looking up to you.

  3. How did you get to be 39 and still so insecure about your slightly shorter than average height?

    And trust me no teen looks at her dad as a protector no matter the height.

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