What do you find most confusing about women?

  1. How women will moan from getting fingered but a dick can be too small to be pleasurable

  2. Rules for men don’t apply to women. The double standard is ridiculous.

  3. Why they over think evreything

    And I’m not a mind reader just tell me why you’re upset

    And please use words don’t place a little star on the calendar and expect me to know that’s your friend’s birthday

  4. Why so many treat them as anything other than normal, potentially flawed, people

  5. Saying that they want to be strong and independent but refusing to take responsibility for their actions

  6. When they say they don’t want anything to eat and then get mad when you don’t get them anything

  7. How you can almost never tell if a girl actually likes you. Is she nice or does she actually like me? Stop dropping “hints”

  8. That some would press against women’s rights just because of their Christian values.

  9. Why they intimidate me so much. I get you’re humans. Just like everyone else. But when I’m out and about and I see a cute one. I just simply shut down and become immediately self conscious. I don’t fucking get it.

  10. How they manage to survive while not being able to decide what they want to eat

  11. My wife will have have a conversation in her head then give me the last half and ask me what I think. That confuses me alot.

  12. I don’t find them any more confusing as a group than men. I have known (and even been married to) a few fucked up women, but their behavior wasn’t really related to their gender. One was a lying narcissist, which some me are as well, I was just never married to one. And one was an emotional train wreck, again, some men are this way too, but since I was never married to one I don’t have any ready examples.

    I think the mistake we make is that we presume that women are more confusing than men because, as straight males at least, we are unlikely to be intimate with people other than women.

  13. How any female on this earth can be faithful to or apart of any religion!

    Especially Christianity or Islam, both hold the view of women In the absolute lowest regard.

  14. Why they found me so much more attractive when I was a toxic asshole.

  15. When you literally tell her EVERY DAY directly or show her unmistakable that her looks make you instantly horny and she got that moments and asks “Do you really think my body is attractive?”

    Ma’am. I’d love to ask my D personally, but my steelhard meat is atm busy preparing itself to get Hard enough to breach a fucking Tank door.

  16. How you can find a woman so attractive it hurts but she’s insecure about how she looks

  17. The gut.

    From my personal experience and some online reading, men apparently have a much more simplistic gut, primarily because we don’t have to deal with the complications of having a uterus.

    There are so many things marketed towards women’s gut health like vitamins and probiotics.

    I get the impression women are essentially uncomfortable with their gut more often than not and just live that way.

  18. How they can just accept the fate of being able or having to carry a baby if they want to become a parent. Also the period.

  19. Why some (not all) post everything on social media, im genuinely curious on why they do it. Why would you want people to know what you’re doing, where you are, etc.

    I don’t think everyone needs to know what you’re doing IMO.

  20. Emotions based on that time of the month. There’s no answer since they change so rapidly. Just have to be as understanding as possible and get through it without getting upset as well. It’s always interesting, and it’s not the woman’s fault either.

    I don’t want this to sound sexist or anything. It’s just the way things are and I find it to be a man’s responsibility to find a way to deal and make it the best possible.

  21. Nothing really…I’ve learned to understand them and accept them… if you’re confused it’s because you’re probably approaching relationships with women in the same way you do with men which will never work…

    If a woman gets emotionally, upset, loses her temper, cries etc. don’t take it personally, don’t try to figure out why, just be her rock, be assertive, make her laugh, hug her tight, put her in her place if she’s out of line and disrespects you, listen to her and don’t assume she wants you to fix her problems etc. most importantly don’t try to logic your way out of the situation by thinking “why is she acting this way, I’m going to try to have a logical discussion with her about it while she’s losing her shit” change her mood, not her mind…

    It’s real f&%kin simple in my opinion…don’t let your woman’s mood affect yours, lead her, don’t be a modern-day “happy wife happy life” loser whose wife doesn’t respect him…see the world and women for what they are and not what you want them to be, they’re not men, they don’t handle situations and emotions like we do and so you have to handle certain situations differently than you would with yourself or a male friend.

  22. Their deception. In my experience, many are very indirect and would rather lie to avoid conflict. Not all women are deceptive though. I guess it’s their nature to be indirect like this.

  23. “We never go anywhere.”

    “OK where do you wanna go honey?”



  24. How pretty they are. I don’t care how old I get. I still get stupid brain looking at my fiancĂ©e.

  25. Excusing other women behaving poorly i.e. periods, pregnancy, the way stepmoms treat their stepkids, the way women treat their romantic partners, etc…etc…

  26. Their refusal to take accountability. Obviously not all women are like that, but the vast majority of women I’ve met simply will **not** take accountability for their mistakes, especially when the person harmed in the process is a man. Emotional manipulation and blame shifting galore.

  27. The lying. I know this seems like a “I hate women” take but seriously women be lyinnnnnnnnn

  28. Wanting all your attention but when they get attention they get uninterested. Probably just a mind game they play but its annoying af

  29. Why do women like to complain about something but they don’t want to hear a solution.

    For example, my girlfriend complains about something that happened at work. When I offer a solution to the problem, she stops me right away and says she “doesn’t want to hear it”, and then continues to complain.

    I’m guessing this is called “venting”, where I just sit there for 45mins and say “wow…that’s crazy.”

    Why don’t women talk about the solution instead of complaining about the problem?

  30. Why they’re constantly trying to change their man into something other than how he was when she first met him and fell in love, only to dump him if she succeeds because “you’re not the man I fell in love with anymore.”

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