My boyfriend and I are hanging out for our fourth anniversary (yesterday) and my cell phone was dying so I went to go charge it where his was. As soon as I reached out to touch his phone to check the percent, he freaked out and snatched it. I laughed and thanked him and then plugged my phone in to charge and then when I went back to sit down I realized how strange his reaction was and got upset. I asked for an apology for assuming I’m some unhinged person who would take his phone from right next to him to look through it.
Note- I have looked at his phone in the past and he’s looked through mine but I’ll give it back as soon as he asks and I’m usually just looking at pictures or the apps he has downloaded. I’ll grab it if it’s on the table or on the couch next to me but not if he has it close enough to him that he might be using it because it’s his phone and I’d be annoyed if he did that to me. I also don’t go into his private conversations and I haven’t looked at his phone in a while. He browsed my Reddit yesterday and I let him because he thinks Reddit is interesting but he also wanted to look at my activity which I was nervous about because I can’t remember all of my comments but I but allowed for a little bit.

TL;DR! My boyfriend assumed I was going to take his phone and look through it while it was charging next to him (which I have never done) and snatched it so I asked for an apology and he hasn’t apologized.

  1. He’s got something to hide, and who knows what it is. It could be worst case an affair, it could just be erotica, it could be that he recently said something about you, or maybe it’s something nice like a surprise or proposal and he doesn’t want it ruined. I think you need to ask him why and really gauge next steps by his reaction. Has he been off in other ways lately?

  2. You are not kids anymore… Why on earth do some people have “secrets” on their phone ? After 4 years together, he doesn’t trust you ? And on the other hand, you were nervous because you couldn’t remember some of your comments on Reddit ? It seems that you’re just alike.

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