Feel like I get mixed opinions about this, but how do guys feel if you moan their name? I always thought it was incredibly sexy, in a “i’m not a random person, i’m the only one that can make you feel this good” type of way.

  1. I like it. BUT, I’ve made the mistake of saying the wrong person’s name during sex. I made it a policy to never use names in the heat of passion.

  2. >Feel like I get mixed opinions about this

    You will get misled opinions about everything, theres nearly 8 billion of us on the planet now and sex is very diverse and subjective. For me, I don’t wanna hear my own name during sex but for many others it’s a major turn on. Different strokes for different folks and all that.

  3. Moaning my name would make me feel like I’m doing the right thing and that you know it.

    Depending on what others things you say or moan or how you moan it would increase our intensity and pleasure.

    Communication during sex, I think is vital.

  4. It would be nice…in moderation. Like on rarely if it fir some reason feels better than normal, or he is more into it than normal etc.

  5. I find it great, suggests that you’re doing a good job.

    Although once upon a time I wasn’t on my best behavior so I was going by a kind of fake name, an abbreviation of my name that I never otherwise used. I wouldn’t take too long to tell a girl I got intimate with what my “full’ name is, but one of them kept moaning out the fake one while we were in bed and that was a bit off-putting 😅.

  6. When sex is that good, I often lose the ability to speak coherently. I try to convey everything I’m thinking and feeling into the way I moan his name and I always hope it works 😅 he seems to react well, I think

  7. I love it unless it feels forced. I’d it comes out naturally, it’s one of the hottest things in the world.

  8. Depends on the woman’s delivery. If it sounds forced I might not like it so much. If it is a genuine reaction it would put me on the verge of cumming.

  9. Meh, the ex wife did it on occasion, and It felt off putting for some reason. I never really mentioned it though.

  10. I guess that would be cool but hearing “oh god” when I’m smashing my gf anterior fornix “fuck” sound way hotter

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