March 14th I asked my friend of 6 years to go get Chinese but secretly I planned on asking her out. Well every time I got the nerve up to ask her out something happened. Her mom called, the server brought the bill, and I didn’t get to ask her like I wanted to.

So I asked her if she wanted to get some shakes. I thought we might have more privacy so I could actually ask. Well she didn’t tell me she was lactose intolerant. Our date ended rather quickly after that.

March 15th we both worked at the youth group. She was in charge of the kitchen and I handled the recreational stuff. Before everyone got there I came into the kitchen and asked her. No more excuses, I asked. She responded with “yeah…I thought you were going to ask me yesterday.” Apparently she had been waiting for years but didn’t have the courage to ask me herself.

The last four years have been hard and there’s been times I’ve felt like we were going to break. We got kicked out of the place we were living in, spent our first year with my parents, bought our first house, had twin girls, lost one of the girls, had a boy, separated for a month and went no contact with my in-laws.

Marriage hasn’t been all the sunshine and rainbows everyone said it was, but if I had to go through it again I’d still pick her. All times she frustrates me and all the times I frustrate her, I still love her and I’m not giving up on her.

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