Its a weird question I know.But I was always told I am too

  1. Showing any kind of emotions obviously, we men are robots and don’t have emotions. Smash stick against rocks.

    Probably when a person (male or female) cries about absolutely nothing? But showing emotion is good

  2. When he uses his emotions to get out of his responsiblitys other than that no such thing.

  3. If your emotions get in the way of your work, live, relationships, or hinder your ability to take action or responsibility.

    You can have emotions and be emotional about things, but letting your emotions cause problems or get the better of you would mean you’re too emotional.

    What was the context when you were told that you’re too emotional?

  4. I’m a big advocate for men being able to express their emotions, share their vulnerabilities with those close to them and prioritize their mental health.

    *But…* At the same time, don’t be a sissy. And by that I mean “no crying over spilled milk.” If you’re stressed out about work, shit has been hard lately and you go home and have a bit of a cry that’s fine, I won’t judge you. But if every little thing makes you misty eyed or react strongly from a girl turning you down to a playful joke at your expense to a minor disagreement then it might be time to speak to someone about why your ass is getting so chapped on a regular basis.

    To me, it’s more about a pattern of behavior and how you respond to things overall. Breaking down is okay, as long as you don’t wallow for too long and eventually pick yourself back up. A minor thing being the straw that breaks the camel’s back is okay, as long as you’re not otherwise a big baby who gets offended, hurt or otherwise chafed over daily shit.

  5. When it results in physical outbursts or prevents the person and their family, friends or associates from their own experiences.

    Processing emotions appropriately in the right time and manner is a skill.

  6. -Excessively whiny (they’re always the victim of something, tries to center every conversation around their feelings, etc.)

    -Regularly cries at things most people (men or women) wouldn’t normally take that seriously

    I’m a pretty emotional guy myself though. I’m not sensitive, but I do feel a lot of varying emotions and I act according to them a lot of times

  7. It’s ok to feel things, but letting them get in the way of functioning normally under normal circumstances is too much.

  8. Firstly, so as to take responsibility, the person is “too emotional for me”. There may be someone else who has no issue with it, or I may be hyper sensitive, but either way, I don’t enjoy it. That ending there is really as fine a point as I van put on it. Emotions are complex things, there are many of them and three times as many ways to express them. When somone is “too emotional for me” they are an energy drain. They take more energy from me than they reciprocate.

  9. Let’s just say that I can offer someone tough love, but I have to be sure they can take it.

    Most of the time, men are simply treated unfairly and expected to withhold emotions due to the setup of toxic masculinity. But a truly strong man is one that knows and is aware of his weaknesses. Emotions have to be released, they can’t be controlled without causing serious mental issues, so that’s what I encourage.

  10. Too emotional? No, they mean you don’t control it well, very different. What do they mean specifically?

  11. If they’re always complaining about the same things and/or freezing in adversity or blaming others constantly. Life is hard, learn to deal with it. If you actually have emotional trauma or problems, go get help it’s nothing to be ashamed of. But constantly complaining about the same problems isn’t looking for solutions, it’s seeking attention. Also anger outbursts are quite an obvious sign.

  12. Hmmmm, i think that is a wrong question, because being emotional isn’t always a bad thing, i mean sure your friends, commonly known as, “the boys” may call you a pussy, but that’s just teasing (hopefully). The real question should be more akin, will i back out and give up on something i truly believe in just because i was afraid, or scared, or sad, or in pain. Then again one must first ask, what is that one thing that i find sacrade, and that is not a very easy question to answer.

    But anyways, crying at the end of kung fun panda isn’t a bad thing, it’s being emotional, too emotional for most cultural standards, but as long as you are willing to fight for and protect the thing you hold sacarade, despite the emotions you feel, you aren’t too emotional.

    I would also like to share this quote:

    “He for whom sadness and happiness are the same states, who is free from fear and rage, who has a stable mind, he is the true man.”

    The quote is translated but more or less means this.

  13. When their emotions and impulsive behavior is the common denominator of why their live is filled with drama, or not stable, or not progressing.

  14. They whine. I can’t stand when another man whines and pouts. It’s fine for a man to show emotion in a healthy way. Whining isn’t healthy expression of emotion, all it does is annoy people and it makes said whiny dude look like a bitch.

  15. There is no such thing as being too emotional. emotions are specific to the person they are pertaining to. One person never feels the same as the other and we are all unique in our own way. As a man we must be strong in society and we cannot let our emotions overcome us. You must learn how to control your emotions and put your duty first. Men are allowed to be emotional, but our masculinity must aways come first.

  16. More often than not emotions are confused with control. Most over emotional men I know have had traumatic childhoods & very toxic. Absolutely stay away from them

  17. When I think of “too emotional” for anyone, man or woman, I think irrational or quick to overreact. Jumping to conclusions, getting worked up before they have the entire story, bad temper, etc all fall under the “too emotional” bucket in my definition.

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