My friend found my boyfriend’s profile on a dating app. He had liked her and they know each other. Then I called him and told him about it and he said that it was his friend who had made the account and that it wasn’t him. He said it wasn’t even on his phone. That would make sense because why would he be stupid enough to like my friend, if he doesn’t want to get busted? I didn’t believe him because a month earlier I had also found out that he was on Facebook dating, but he deleted the account when I found out. So after that I said it’s over and I just went off and flirted with a bunch of guys at a festival and made a dating account also, and I was gonna meet up with a guy tonight when my “boyfriend” or ex-boyfriend called me and he swore on God that it wasn’t him and that he hasn’t cheated. And for both of us, swearing on God means a lot. I didn’t tell him about what I’ve done, but I definitely feel like no matter what I have sabotaged the relationship. But that was because I didn’t believe him and thought he had cheated. What do I do now?

  1. So he was on Facebook dating the month prior? If that’s true, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that he’s also now on another dating app and even bold enough to like your friend’s profile. Think about it. Why would his friend make a profile of him? To what end?

    Tread carefully because it smells fishy in those waters.

    Edit- he may not have even noticed your friend’s profile. I’ve seen guys actively swiping. Sometimes they don’t even read things, just speed swipe to the right to maximize matches.

  2. Trust your gut. What is it telling you?

    If I were you, my guy would be that he’s lying. He already was on fb dating. His ‘friend’ made an account. What friend is it? Why hasn’t he stopped it? Why didn’t he tell you?

    I think he maybe didn’t recognize your friend, or thought she would reciprocate. That’s why she swiped right on her

  3. You need to be single.. you were married, then 2 days after your divorce you meet with your bf/ex bf?, you break up with him and same day you’re out meeting other people.. take a breather, work out what keeps going on in relationships (trust issues, cheating, abuse-whatever), work out what you want in a relationship, what type of person you want to attract and take your time getting to know someone

  4. The same day that you broke up, you continued with other guys? Not saying that what your boyfriend did is not wrong, but it looks like you didn’t value the relationship that much yourself.

  5. I don’t think it really matters if he’s telling the truth or not. You clearly cannot trust him regardless and there’s too much drama already for such a short relationship. I think it’s better to just leave things be and try just being single for a while. Figure out what you really want in a relationship and set some higher standards for yourself before even thinking about getting into a relationship again. You owe it to yourself after what you’ve been through.

  6. Even if he did swear up and down, he still did the Facebook thing … so he’s still untrustworthy.

    Let it go, you dodged a bullet.

  7. Swearing on God means a lot… but apparently making online dating profiles doesn’t…..

  8. You’re both too immature to be in a healthy, committed, long-lasting relationship.

    Work on yourself.

  9. If you didn’t believe him before he “swore on god” why would you believe him after the fact. Now he knows he can screw up and just “swear on god” and the issue is fixed and gone. Those are just words, nothing is going to happen to anyone negatively for swearing on god. If he is religious all he has to do is ask sky daddy for forgiveness and boom he is forgiven, according to the bible.



  10. Hi excuse is an obvious lie. If the account was made so his friend could find out if their gf had an account, then they wouldn’t have swiped right on any accounts (except that 1 person). So he’s lied to you and based on your comments it was a toxic relationship (not allowed any guy friends).

    Break up with him and stay broken up.

  11. >he swore on God that it wasn’t him and that he hasn’t cheated. And for both of us, swearing on God means a lot.

    Don’t lie to yourself. There are people who swear on the lifes’ of their kids, on God and anything when they are caught because they fear the consequences and in the end it is just words.

    Why would his friend make a dating profile in his stead?

  12. So…you caught him at least attempting to cheat on you twice and now you’re worrying that *you* sabotaged the relationship? Really??

    Also, that’s the weakest excuse in the book. “My friend made it.” Pfft.

  13. Lol “swore on god”.. well that’s it folks he’s innocent!
    That’s about as reassuring in an argument as saying “I’m a doctor I know this”

  14. Ah, the Shaggy defense.

    It was him. Even if it wasn’t…it was. Move on. Learn about yourself and get to know you. And don’t take this BS anymore.

  15. If you were willing to flirt with dudes the same day you dumped your man, then clearly you aren’t emotionally invested in the relationship and you should probably end it regardless.

  16. >And for both of us, swearing on God means a lot.

    Oh sweet child, you are such a dumb fuck.

  17. Oh it was him. If he was on Facebook dating and now this, he’s cheating or trying to cheat. And he likes your friend. Guys are dumb about this shit.

  18. I read this and thought “damn, I’m glad I’m not a teenager anymore” only to realize you’re 3 years younger than me. It sounds like neither of you are mature enough to be in a relationship.

  19. >And for both of us, swearing on God means a lot.

    You’ve known him 4 months….. he was caught a month ago on another dating site…. just block his number

  20. I think you need to work on yourself and become a full person as an individual before you start any new romantic relationships. Sounds like you both had issues, and you jumped into all this too fast.

  21. He’s a cheater and you moved on the same day so this relationship is best left in the past for both parties.

  22. “Swearing on God means a lot to both of us”

    I think it only means a lot to one of you

  23. I swear on God he’s gaslighting you.
    See, it’s easy to swear on God.
    If you really wanna dig, think about why your friend might lie to you, then decide who you trust more.

  24. Lots of guys hit on their girlfriends friends and some “friends” keep it a secret and have an affair. He could be lying or he could be telling the truth but you already have trust issues.

  25. You really need to be single because this post shows you probably aren’t in a place where having a partner makes sense.

  26. Yes, cheaters really are that stupid. His thought process probably went something like “She’ll never know I swiped right unless SHE swipes right, which means she wants me! Win-win!

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