Hey everyone I’ll try keep this short, I’m 23 M and I just get tired sometimes of feeling like I don’t know what to say, I understand women are just people too and all that I just think like how can I fully express myself because that’s that’s people always say is “just be yourself” the thing is like I’m curious as to what all y’all talk about on dates and stuff and how you guys move into more interesting things and have fun? Any help will be appreciated

I’ve gotten alot better, I also have ocd really bad so I overthink this alot of the time when it probably won’t be so bad

Tl;dr just looking for some advice on dates, girls , and conversation

  1. Just ask about their life, like what they like to do for fun, places they have traveled, food they like to eat, what they do for work, how many siblings they have, where they grew up – there is all sorts of interesting topics to talk about.

  2. Be yourself but don’t be weird, be confident but don’t be cocky yada yada the thing you should know is that the scenarios that play out where something bad happens is less likely to occur.

    It’s always good to put your mind at ease that overthinking will do you no good.

    In regards to a conversation it really depends on the environment, in college I usually just ask about their major and branch off of things to bring up.

    But to initiate; a friendly β€œhey” will help a lot.

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