What are some things you would do with one of them but wouldn’t with the other?

For example:
sharing your favourite meal, letting her keep one of your sweatshirts, spending your birthday together, or opening up about your secrets

  1. For me if I’m exclusively dating someone I’m serious about our relationship.

  2. I pretty much treat all women I’m seeing the same except for women I don’t want to spend free time with like fuckbuddies. I’m struggling to think of ways I might treat them differently. I guess I might be disappointed if a woman I plan to marry is going out dressed in practically nothing, whereas I might enjoy the public display of trashiness if it’s a casual hookup or something. But honestly that’s like an extreme example and has never happened for me to deal with that.

  3. I’d introduce her to my friends, family and make sure my dogs are okay with her.

    I “may” allow some clothes to stay at my house when seriously dating.

    If I’m casual dating her, I don’t invite her home with me.

  4. my treatment to her would be the same, but my treatment to the relationship would be different. my level of commitment would be slightly different. there are no things i would or would not do with them regardless of the seriousness of our relationship. it’s pretty much the same for me.

  5. Wouldn’t introduce her to friends or family, or make big plans too far in advance together.

  6. The difference between casually dating and someone I’m serious about is the reinvestment into the relationship SHE does.

  7. No real difference. I don’t think I have casual fucking in me that much really though. In the sense I’ve always thought it could lead further at the time of having sex.

    I’ve met some women and it had fizzled out, I’ve blamed myself for having sex with them because I know how often women feel used when it’s like that. But I honestly just didn’t feel it, or in some case, she turned quite mental when I was at work and after only talking for less than a month in total she started talking about ending her lives with pills cause I couldn’t be with you during work hours. Had to more or less refer her to a psychologist and block her.

  8. I can become serious about her over time, but all relationships must begin casually then may become more serious later. So they initially look identical.

  9. I have never really dated casually. My end point is always a serious relationship.

    Tbh I cant even bring myself to be intimate with someone or have sex with them unless I’m really serious.

    It takes a lot for me to trust and be vulnerable in that way so it’s not really something I’m interested in ever doing casually

  10. If I’m dating someone casually than I’m not going to be exclusive with them. Once I’m in an exclusive relationship, I expect it to be serious.

  11. We wouldn’t be exclusive if I wasn’t serious about her. Casual dating as I (and most ppl I know) know it is dating around and seeing multiple ppl at once.

  12. >For example: sharing your favourite meal, letting her keep one of your sweatshirts, spending your birthday together, or opening up about your secrets

    Lol, this is just a list of things you like.

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