For me, I don’t sit in desks unless I have to. It feels like I’m working again lol

  1. Using my gaming PC after work. I’ve slowly started playing less and less to the point I have a beast of pc at home only used for 2 hours a week if even that.
    I rarely use a computer outside 9-5. Although that could be partly due to while WFH I do play games during 9-5 ha! But as soon as it hits 5pm the gaming PC and work laptop is off

  2. I went from working at a warehouse, walking 10 or so miles a day and usually carrying something, to sitting at a desk for 8 hours. I got pudgy and my motivation to be physical after 4pm is nil, and that kinda sucks.

  3. My figure and posture

    Office work is so sedentary, sitting all day at your desk or in a meeting, before you know it you gain 10 pounds and need to make more of an effort to sit up straight since sitting so much has relaxed your posture into near slouching.

  4. I thought there would be a lot more talking and making friends with coworkers. I share maybe 3 sentences with them on a daily basis

  5. There is a decent pizza place near the office building that always catered our corporate meetings.

    Even the smell of it reminds me of work now.

  6. Gaming on my PC.

    I spend too much time working on my PC, while sitting at a desk.

    I rather play console games, while sitting on my couch (when I find the time).

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