I am a guy in his mid 20s, and due to some personal commitments (career wise) have to stay at my absolute best(mentally) throughout the day. 1 month into it, I am already beginning to feel the burnout. What do you guys do to stay productive throughout the day? What habits to adopt/leave?

  1. The easiest is to find a type of work you actually enjoy doing.

    I don’t buy that “if you turn your hobby into work, you’ll never with a say in your life”. I do, however recommend you find a job that you like to do. It really helps with motivation on the job. Even if you don’t like your current job, figure out what elements you do enjoy. Figure it if you can make those more if you job. Additionally, see if there’s a whole job doing that.

  2. Use your PTO and take time for yourself. The most I can redline myself is 3-4 months at a time. Anymore I’ll burnout

  3. Accept that it’s not possible to be 100% all the time. It’s ok to have a bad day or week. We all need to recharge at times. So have realistic goals.

    Humans aren’t robots.

  4. 1) go to the gym or workout. It will give your mind and body more energy and you’ll sleep better. It’s also a great way to release any build up emotions.

    2) rest is a requirement not a reward. You have to take time to rest and do nothing. And you have to find time to do stuff that you want to do simply because you want to.

  5. I live by checklists. I set a routine of gym, breaks and when to end the day. Then work off the list of things to do in order of priority. If it doesn’t get done by EOD, its tomorrow’s priority.

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