So I sat down on my comfy sofa last night to catch Billie Eilish headline the Pyramid stage at Glastonbury last night and she killed it! Youngest ever headliner at 20. But what I wanna know is, what is the biggest festival you’ve been to? Even if you’ve been to Glastonbury, and what stories do you have to tell?? I’d love to go but I think it’d overwhelm me too much

  1. Only been to one, Mainframe hard dance festival in Leeds a loooong time ago. Goodgreef, storm and sundisential were there it was fucking epic!

  2. BBC Proms opening night is my most memorable.

    I’ve also been to Reading festival but I hated it, I had a bunch of drugged-up hooligans take over my tent and claim it was theirs. Ended up in a fight and I was kicked out.

  3. Leeds between 2000 and 2005. Wasn’t a fan after it moved from Temple Newsam though, the site was too small and the vibe changed completely. Good lord I’m getting old.

  4. Download, it has an attendance of around 110k, about 100k less than Glastonbury. On paper i can see why festivals would come across as overwhelming, but to be honest I’ve never felt it while I’ve been there. While from a distance it might look like a chaotic mass of people the more you look round the more you start to see how in general everything is actually quite orderly, most people are either out of the way chilling, at a stage, or getting food/drink.

    Basically don’t let any worries stop you going, festivals are a fun thing to go to.

    Fun little story, 2016 Download, not long after the episode of GoT where the origin of Holdors name was revealed, 10s of thousands of people walking back to the camps at the end of the day, every so often a ripple of “Hold the door!” Would go down the crowd, you’d hear it start in the distance and just work it’s way along. I don’t know why that stuck with me but it always makes me smile.

  5. Never been to Glastonbury but been to V, Leeds, Latitude, Nos Alive(Lisbon) and Isle of Wight. Probably went to at least one big festival a year from 96 to 2014.

    Tend to prefer smaller festivals as I get older as a lot of the bands I like no longer get the headline slots at the big festivals.

    Often said that Glastonbury would blow my mind with the sheer amount of things I would have to miss. Otherwise I’ve had nothing but good times at festivals. The only thing overwhelming is the toilets.

  6. Leeds fest and Download both multiple times. Not exactly sure which is ‘bigger’. Had so many great times at both festivals.

    Also been to Creamfields a couple of times, which I assume is smaller than those two, but I am too lazy to check.

  7. Glastonbury 2000, phenix festival (4 day festival at airfield in Stratford upon Avon, no longer run now).

    V festival Highland park multiple times.

    All festivals are great just love the atmosphere.

    Biggest event I went to though was live 8 as a VIP ticket with staying at the grovenor house. Wonderful day starting with drinks and 3 course sit down lunch in the ball room. All drinks included.

    Then off to event live 8 with back stage passes and straight to a back stage free pims party.

    Saw the entire concert from front of stage culminating in pink Floyd with Roger Walters. The back to grovenor for an after party buffet and drinks. So many stars that day on stage and in the crowd it was amazing experience to be part of it.

  8. I saw Oasis at the V Festival. Which was alright except a drunk lad in a cowboy hat kept grabbing me and yelling “OASIS!”, even though I was well aware of who was playing.

  9. Phoenix festival 1996.

    Pistols in middle of their filthy lucre tour, Bowie, massive attack, skunk anansie, Bowie, bjork, cypress hill, plenty of others I can’t remember

    Four days in a scorching July, just me, my tent, £2.50 and a load of pot noodles. Absolutely terrific.

    Guy next to me shared his joint with me as a thank you for helping put his tent up. My first spliff.

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