Men of Reddit, what advice would you give to a young man who just turned 18?

  1. Cultivate hobbies outside of video games and computer stuff.

    Take care of your physical health.

  2. Have fun and live in the moment, you have years ahead of you where you will look back at these careless times you live in right now.

    Also try to take it easy on your back. Hernia aint no joke.

  3. The personal finance subreddit is your friend. Learn to make a budget and relatively safe investment/retirement strategies. Starting young is going to allow your money to snowball.

  4. Stay fit and eat healthy getting old hurts and being overweight and unhealthy means getting old a lot younger then you realise.

    Its little things each day that add up to big things.

    Like 20 mins on the piano or guitar ends up you being able to play. The same is true for healthy living 20 mins of weights add up to good muscles and 20 mins of walking adds to les likely to have a heart attack, stroke, and so on.

    Most things in life are learnt skill sets.

    From driving a car. Having a conversation, treating other people with respect, romancing a partner, writting poetry, cooking, changing a washer, or tiling a bathroom.

    Time patience and a person to learn from can teach you these and other things.

    Take up martial arts.
    (This is how to make friends stay fit and a great life skill)
    Be a minimalist.
    (Helps you be organised saves you money saves the planet)

    When buying things think life span.
    A pair of high quality hair clippers and cutting your own hair will save you ever going to the barbar, save you time shot hair is easier to wash quicker to dry and safer in a fight and never looks messy.
    That’s a great example of Minimalism.

    A steel drinking Thermos can last 40 years or longer.
    Stops you wasting money and your teeth on soft drink. Saves the turtles, and so fourth.

    Always keep a full change of clothing, a towel, torch, wet wipes in the car along with gloves.
    Anything can happen from rain storms to falling in the mud when changing a tire. Having backup makes life so much better.

    If you have access to land like a backyard.
    Establish a herb garden its delicious impresses partners saves you money. But also plant fruit tress.
    For the same reason. And fresh fruit from your own garden is amazing.

    Good luck.

  5. – if you have any problems (especially mental/emotional issues) start dealing with them immediately and don’t delay – problems don’t go away by being ignored
    – prioritise sleep, always get up before 9am (even if you go back to bed 5 minutes later or have to nap in the afternoon), and never hit snooze. Being tired ruins pretty much every aspect of life and tired you is worse than well rested you in almost every way. But sleeping in will not get you well rested, it will just make you struggle to sleep that night and ruin your pattern
    – be disciplined and stay on top of your studies. Falling behind will cause you to suffer unnecessarily and have to do more work later
    – read good books, especially books that will help you understand life better, such as biographies, philosophy, and self help (I recommend ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ in particular)

  6. Focus on you, find your purpose & put your nose to the grindstone. If you do, once you’re in your 30s you’ll get to reap the benefits & play ball.

  7. Focus on you, find your purpose & put your nose to the grindstone. If you do, once you’re in your 30s you’ll get to reap the benefits & play ball.

  8. The second you can (and you can) buy real estate. Any that you can afford (and you can afford it).

    Then buy more.

  9. 1) stay in shape. It’s so much easier to get fit when you still have a fast metabolism. 2) study the stock market and invest your money 3) don’t play video games, they’re a waste of time. 4) get a construction/trade job with skills that allow you to start your own business one day. I went to college and got a bachelor’s degree but in the end I realized I make more money owning my own business. I wasted almost 50k on my degree, I wish I would have used that money at an earlier age to start my business.

  10. Get a physical. Keep track of your blood pressure and cholesterol. Drink plenty of water.

  11. Constantly make an effort to be better than your past self. Run further, eat better, work harder, be nicer.

    If there is something about you that you wouldn’t like to see in your child, then work on it.

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