Around 1-2 months ago my partner and I got into a heated argument, we were walking around the house angrily and I attempted to get to my car (I tend to leave during arguments to try and calm down) as I was walking out the back door with my partner in toe I slammed the screen door in his face, he said he had to move his arm back from getting shut in the door. After I slammed it he opened the door and pushed my shoulder. Is this abuse? (The push did not hurt, it caused me to take maybe a slight step forward, but it still bothers me)

tldr: bf pushed me after I slammed screen door in his face during heated argument

  1. I mean it is abuse and a red flag. Yes you slammed the door but you didn’t put his hands on him but he did u.. i would bring it up to him and monitor that that doesn’t escalate into even worse abuse

  2. It sounds like what you did was a mistake, and what he did, while in reaction to it, was not a mistake but a choice in the heat of the moment. Yes that’s worrisome, but if he understands that what he did was wrong, feels bad about it, and is taking seriously not doing it again, then that would be a good sign that he can learn and fix things. If he’s blaming you for “making” him do it, that’s a sign to get out.

  3. Reading this and your Comments, you need to understand that most cases of domestic abuse both partners are abused, it’s very classic for women to be emotional abuses and men being physical abusers. You will find that if you continue emotional abuse, you will end up finding yourself in a partnered with abusers. Its not OK to be physically violent but emotional abuse is equally bad.

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