We all probably know to spot red flags on dating app profiles.

My question is, what are some green flags then? How can I know that, say a certain girl is worth meeting, and wouldn’t turn up to be a pain?

  1. This is going to be subjective to what you want. Just like everyone has different ideas about what kind of pictures they want to see.

  2. I feel like with a good profile, you can get a decent read on someone’s personality from their pictures and prompts. You just need to look at the profile to see if there’s anything there beyond them just being physically attractive. Personally, I’ve gotten to point where I have a good idea of who I am interested in, and perhaps more importantly, who is probably going to be interested in me. That latter part is important just to reduce the number of one and done dates.

  3. Green flags for me are gamer girls, because they actually aren’t like other girls

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