Of course, I can do something absolutely ridiculous like strip naked, run in circles, put my clothes back on and introduce myself pretending that nothing happened. But hey, maybe you have better suggestions.

No need to read the following text. Just some blabber.

There were several occasions when I see new friends the second time, they would recognize me but would ask my name again and other details like when we just met. I’m not really annoyed that someone forgets my name because I do that sometimes too but it gives me something to think about on whether or not I worked hard enough to stick. Perhaps I’m bland because I’m naturally shy with new people but recently I’ve been trying to change things up and play an active role when I’m meeting someone new. For example, I would try to engage them and ask questions, try to find similarities, and make lame jokes. Maybe I haven’t shared enough unique things about myself, I’m not so sure.

  1. there aren’t any.
    you can only leave a lasting impression if you’re unique. And there is no simple way to leave a lasting impression (well, at least no way to leave a *good* lasting impression)

    if there was a simple way, then lots of people would figure it out and it would stop being unique and it would stop leaving any kind of impression on people.

    you just need to figure out what the person you’re interacting with is like and try to connect with them at a level deeper than what most people can manage (which I know is not very actionable advice, but there is no more specific I can be. It is highly dependent on the person you’re talking to and the details of the situation you’re in with them.)

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