I’ve been friends with this girl for a few years now but i’ve noticed since she had a permanent falling out with her best friend 3 years ago she’s started to copy me in various ways.

I noticed when we first started hanging out my friend had a certain kind of style, quite cool actually. But after looking at her ex-bff’s insta i’ve noticed it was actually her style all along, and my friend was copying her so clearly has a habit.

Ever since they stopped speaking she’s found inspiration from me. She’s copied my clothes, haircuts, hobbies and goals. She also applied for a job at my work (didn’t get it). The one thing she hasn’t copied from me is my work ethic and ends up giving up on my interests quickly after because they actually take dedication.

A couple of things wouldn’t normally bother me, but recently I wore a new pair of pants for the first time that I was really fond of and got compliments in – she then wore the exact same pants the next time I saw her.

It’s really starting to piss me off now. What’s the best way of dealing with this? I’m close to just cutting her off at this point.

  1. Imitation is the highest form or flattery but only to a certain point. I’m male and used to have a friend who used to copy my look at the time but it came to a point where it was creepy and he wanted to be with me and told his mates that he wanted to do stuff with me, even though I wasn’t that way

  2. “Copy cat?” Are you 12 years old?

    >What’s the best way of dealing with this?

    Keep living your life, continuing to be unaffected by your “copy cat friend.”

  3. She doesn’t have her own identity. She sees people complement you and she wants those too.

    This kind of thing happening every once in a while is alright but this is too much. It’s most likely why other friend cut her off. This is single white female stuff.

    If she doesn’t bring anything positive to your life cut her off.

  4. first off, i just want to say being annoyed and uncomfortable about this is completely valid. Every one will always say “its a compliment” or “theyre just insecure dont worry about it” which is a load of it imho lmfao. I have had this happen to me a few times and it is the most annoying and uncomfortable shit to deal with, especially when its a close friend. The only thing that has ever worked without fail, every single time, was to cut them off completely. Its pretty amusing to see them move onto their next victim and become another personality vulture too. good luck!

  5. Get a big temporary tattoo somewhere visible and don’t let anyone know it’s fake until after she gets one.

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