A friend of mine doesn’t have a reddit and wanted to ask this:

“Hey guys, I have this stubborn, picky and romantic girl (21) that I (M23) love, I tried to chat her but she blocked me because she thinks that she is a higher class, what’s your advice? how can I confess her my love in a way that doesn’t hurt my feelings and make her love me. ”

  1. Tell your friend: Seriously?! You can’t, she blocked you because she is not interested. You can’t make(force) anyone love another human being and the fact that you are trying to speaks to the likely reason she turned you down. She’s a human being with free will not an object for you to obtain. She’s probably looking for a good relationship with somebody who cares about what she wants. You obviously don’t because if you did you would have taken no for an answer even possibly at a later time politely inquired about the reason why so that you can work on personal growth. You could do that because she would not have blocked you and with a little honest effort and hard work this could have been a self-actualized growing moment, but that ship has sailed now.

    Now, as this person’s friend you know what he is attempting to do is wrong, and you know exactly why or at least you should. Stop enabling this behavior. If you’re truly this person’s friend you would straighten them out instead of basically being an accomplice to the attempted subjugation of another person against her will.

    Women are not things. We are human beings with our own goals, dreams, desires, and hopes. No woman on this planet owes you anything, you are not entitled to unearned love, nor respect.

    Edit: spelling.

  2. There isn’t any way. Confessing your feelings doesn’t make a woman want you more.

    She blocked you, so move on.

  3. ” I tried to chat her but she blocked me because she thinks that she is a higher class..”

    “how can I confess her my love in a way that doesn’t hurt my feelings and make her love me.”

    The fact she blocked you and believes you are beneath her should hurt your feelings enough!

    In order for her to be “the one” *she* would have to see *you* as being “the one”.

    At the very least a “soulmate” is someone who actually wants to be with you!

    ***”Never love anyone who treats you like you’re ordinary.”*** – Oscar Wilde

    ***”Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better.”*** – Steve Maraboli

    ***”Dating is primarily a numbers game…. People usually go through a lot of people to find good relationships. That’s just the way it is.” -*** Henry Cloud

    Best wishes!

  4. Your friend is hopelessly naive and immature.

    Loves a stubbon, picky girl? That’s not love, that’s infatuation, and she doesn’t have any interest in him.

    Tell him to have some self-respect and not throw himself desperately at someone who isn’t interested in him.

  5. She already blocked him, she will never love him if she doesn’t even want to have any contact with him. Tell him to leave her alone and don’t stalk her.

  6. This isn’t about her. This is about your friend respecting boundaries and learning to take no for answer. Major red flag if he doesn’t.

  7. Tell your friend that he can’t. She’s not interested and none of all the corny situations or elaborate ruses we’ve seen on TV and movies actually work if the girl in question isn’t interested.

    Get him to accept that she’s not interested, and that he has to move on. Else he’s setting himself up for heartbreak, at the very least.

  8. This dude is 23 and he is asking this? She doesn’t like you bro. This is a middle school, MAYBE highschool dilemma here. She blocked you, that’s it.

  9. No advice… just yikes

    She blocked you dude, take a hint, fucking hell man

    She’s not stubborn, she doesnt like you. Stop being a creep.

  10. Well,that’s the problem

    You perceive it as stubborn but perhaps she may not want to be wkth you.

    So, you have to read the signs right.

  11. She sent you a pretty clear message so you should leave her alone for the sake of both of you

  12. Honestly you don’t.
    Gotta move on.
    Find a girl that’s into you.
    She’s not the only one out there that you will like.

  13. Tell your friend: She’s not being stubborn, she just doesn’t want you and you’re being weird. Move on. Leave her alone.

  14. Jesus where does one even start..

    Your buddy sounds like a “weirdo” and anything he tries will only perpetuate that notion.

    She blocked them.. isn’t that a clear enough sign?

  15. She said no so move on. This isn’t the notebook. Just cause you keep chasing her around like the creepy guy in the movie does it doesn’t mean she will love you back eventually. Move on find someone else .

  16. She’s not being stubborn, she’s simply enforcing her boundaries. She doesn’t want to hear his confession to having an unhealthy obsession with her because she already knows. If he truly loved her, he would accept that and let her have peace.

  17. Don’t be a stalker. Your overall attitude towards her without even knowing her truly probably is determining her opinion towards you more than your “class.” You sound creepy as hell.

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